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After applause, standing ovations in Congress, Trump, Harris shock Netanyahu

When will the blood letting stop
Bloody israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Nethanyahu


Admin I Friday, July 26, 2024


WASHINGTON – After what seemed to be a well rehearsed drama in Congress, featuring resounding applause and standing ovations, Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu received the shock of his life at a meeting with the two contending candidates for the United States President, Vice President Kamala Harris, presumed candidate of the Democrats and Donald Trump, candidate of the Republicans ahead of the November Presidential election.

Both candidates demonstrated that they were not happy with his obstinate stand in the Gaza war that has claimed over 37,000 lives, almost half women and children, destruction of all the universities in Gaza, schools, livestock, farm lands, hospitals, offices of humanitarian organisations, destruction of roads and what appears to be total obliteration of Gaza to pave way for annexation.

Donald Trump couldn’t hide his disdain for Netanyahu, and walked out with Netanyahu, who seemed to surpassed the undoing of the late German leader, Adolf Hitler, stretching out his hands and begging for a hand shake from Trump, who walked away, fearing the negative implications of associating with him on his ratings and the November election.

Vice President Kamala Harris, whose pricipal, Joe Biden had encouraged Netanyahu in his genocide and ethnic cleansing of Gaza to the visiting PM about her disgust about what is happening in Gaza.


Her message was “It is time for the Gaza war to end”.

She added, “I expressed to the Israeli Prime Minister my deep concern about the amount of deaths in Gaza”, she said, adding that “the two-state solution is the only path to a secure Jewish state”

She vowed not to be silent in the face of tyranny in Gaza.

“I will not remain silent about the suffering in Gaza”, she warned visiting Benjamin Netanyahu.

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