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Colin Powel puts himself second to America – Schwarzenegger

Schwarzenegger: The Colin Powel I knew
Colin Powel

Admin l Monday, October 18, 2021

WASHINGTON – Hollywood actor and former governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger has described Colin Luther Powel who passed on earlier today as a special American who  put himself second to his country, to his soldiers and to his family.

Colin Luther Powel was born April 5, 1937 but died October 18, 2021. He was 84.

According to Schwarzenegger , Colin Powel lived his life as first in almost everything. “The first national Security Adviser,  first black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs  and First Black Secretary of State and so on, adding, “ and despite  all that, when you get to know him, you learned that he never put himself first. During the first Gulf War, I learned that first hand”, he said.

“In 1990, I read an article about our troops  staying fit by lifting sandbags, and I said to myself,  they deserve better than this.  So, I picked up the phone and called General Powel. I told him I could have 40 tons of weights and fitness equipment ready to donate immediately, but shipping by sea could take months.

“General Powel jumped into action and told me, “Arnold, I can get these weight on a plane because I know how much  they will help morale but don’t say anything  about it until this is all over because not everybody  will understand. 


“Three weeks later, I started getting  thank you cards and photos of troops  training with the new equipment in the mall.

“They really should have been thanking General Powel, who lived his life being first but always put himself  second  to his country, to his soldiers,  to his family.

“May his selflessness and patriotism inspire all of us, every day”, he said of  Collin Powel.

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