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3 European countries recognise Palestine as a sovereign state

Recognition of Palestine as a sovereign state
Prime Minister of Ireland, Simon Harris

The children of Israel, the children of Palestine,  deserve peace. It is long past time for a ceasefire, for the unconditional release of hostages, for unhindered access to humanitarian aid. There should be no further military incursion into Rafah, there should be no more Hamas or Hezbollah rockets fired into Israel. Civilians on all sides must be protected under international humanitarian law


Admin I Wednesday, May 22, 2024


SPAIN- Three  European countries today committed to recognise Palestine as a sovereign state. They said the recognition will go into force on May 28, 2024.

Representatives of the three countries made the pledge to recognise Palestine in the Spanish Parliament.  Speaking in parliament, Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez said 31 years after the Oslo Accord, Palestine has taken  steps towards a two state solution, but that Netanyahu  does not have a peace project for Palestine.

“If I have one thing clear, it is that Netanyahu does NOT have a peace project for Palestine. That is why I want to inform you that on May 28, Spain will agree to FULLY RECOGNISE the Palestinian state!

“With this we bear witness to the historic commitment of what the international community can achieve…It’s time to move from words to actions”, he said.


Prime Minister of Ireland, Simon Harris said recognition of Palestine remains the only way to peace:  “Today Ireland recognises the state of Palestine. We believe that recognition will contribute to peace and reconciliation in the Middle East”, he said. 

According to him, the two-way solution remains the only way to end the generation of circle of violence where so many wrongs can never make a right.

He said the recognition of Ireland led to the establishment of Ireland as a peaceful republic. “We believe that a Palestinian state will contribute to peace, a peace that honours the legitimate aspirations of all people in the region to live with respect, justice, security  and dignity free from violence or the threat of violence. 

“Today, moving in lock steps with other European colleagues, we seek to be bearers of hope. We want to reaffirm our belief that peace is possible, that justice is achievable, that the recognition of both states, Palestine and Israel is need. The children of Israel, the children of Palestine,  deserve peace. It is long past time for a ceasefire, for the unconditional release of hostages, for unhindered access to humanitarian aid. There should be no further military incursion into Rafah, there should be no more Hamas or Hezbollah rockets fired into Israel. Civilians on all sides must be protected under international humanitarian law”, he said. 

However, Israel has reacted by recalling its ambassadors to the three countries. Meanwhile, we gathered that Malta and Slovenia will soon follow through with recognition of Palestine as a sovereign state. 

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