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Nations on high alert as Coronavirus, COVID-19 ravages like wildfire

COVID-19 on rampage in Asia, Europe
President Xi Jinping of China

Emmanuel Ukudolo l Wednesday, February 26, 2020

LAGOS, Nigeria – Coronavirus, COVID-19 is on rampage and it is spreading very fast like wildfire. The epidemic was first discovered in Wuhan, a sprawling city in Hubei Province, China, with a population of about 11.08  million.  

The name COVID-19 is derived as follows, COVI for Coronavirus, D for Disease and 19, for the year it was discovered, hence COVID-19.

Dr. Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist working in a Wuhan hospital had raised the alarm December 30, 2019 about the outbreak of the strange ailment. Li Wenliang warned fellow doctors in his online group that seven strains of pneumonia had been identified.

Late Dr. Li Wenliang

The screenshots of his warning in the group was shared and by  evening same day, the hashtag, #Wuhan Sars was trending on Weibo, one of the top Chinese internet service providers before it was pulled down. 

Authorities in China accused Li Wenliang of rumour-mongering and in the face of threat and intimidation from Chinese police, he retracted his chat.

By the time the Chinese authority found out that Dr. Li Wenliang(34) in his chat reported what is on the ground based on his experience in the field and long years of medical practice, it was already too late. 

He was already battling for his life and could hardly breath when he granted an interview on Skype to  CNN correspondent from his hospital bed. 

He died early Friday morning, February  7, 2020 at exactly 2:58am, the Wuhan City Central Hospital said in a statement.   By this time, the level of infection was rising astronomically and was already above 500. 

78,068 cases confirmed, 2,715 dead in China

As of February 25, 2020, the National Health Commission of China had confirmed 78,064  cases and 2,715 deaths in 31 provincial-level regions on the Chinese mainland and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

Hospital with 1000 bed space built in 10 days

In addition,  29,745 patients have been cured and discharged from hospital. “There still remained 45,604 confirmed cases (including 8,752 in serious condition) and 2,491 suspected cases”, the National Health Commission said, while 647,406 people have  had close contact with infected patients, with 79,108 under medical observation. 

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has also spread to 5 prisons in China.  However, there are apprehension that the total number of deaths is being toned down by the Chinese government. 

Spraying the highways in China to combat COVID-19

Exiled Chinese businessman, Guo Wengui recently revealed that based on signs from  Wuhan crematoriums, the death toll could be as high as 50,000. He is not alone in making this form of allegation.

 US Secretary of State, Michael Pompeo accused the Chinese authorities of non disclosure. As he puts it, “had China permitted its own and foreign journalists and medical personnel to speak and investigate freely, Chinese officials and other nations would have been far better prepared to address the challenge”. Pompeo called on all governments to “tell the truth about coronavirus and cooperate with international aid organizations.”

However, this is not to say that the Chinese government is lackadaisical in dealing with the  Coronavirus, COVID-19. China proved to the world that so much could be achieved in a short time given the resources, but putting in place a 1000 bed hospital, a 290,000 square feet facility built in 10 days specifically, for diagnosis and treatment of the epidemic. 

Health officials spray streets to combat Coronavirus, COVID-19

Beyond that, some streets,  estates have been disinfected. One of the most important meetings, the China People’s Congress was postponed over the outbreak of Coronavirus(COVID-19), parliament suspended for two days and the whole building disinfected. 

All public meetings are being cancelled,  schools shut, including cinemas, the streets now virtually hollow, with many staying away from restaurants.

United Nations, Secretary General, António Guterres who met with World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General and other WHO leaders, on COVID-19, Ebola and polio expressed great admiration for health workers, including Chinese health workers, who are working tirelessly to save lives.  

WHO declared Coronavirus, COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern 30 January 2020 and on February 11 announced a new name for Coronavirus as COVID-19.  

But the reality on the ground was that things  are getting worse by the day such that the World Health Organisation says the rate of escalation is worrisome and calls for urgent action on the part of nations so far affected, with the international community requesting for USD 675 million to help protect states with weaker health systems as part of its Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan.

The symptoms of COVID-19 according to the US Centre for Disease Control(CDC) include Cough, Fever, Shortness of breath in rare cases, which can lead to severe respiratory problems, kidney failure or death. Symptoms usually present themselves in 10 to 14 days. 

The CDC has advised people living in countries where COVID-19 is prevalent to wash  hands frequently and thoroughly.

“Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t available.Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands. Stay home when you are sick. Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects people frequently touch. 

There are myths about COVID-19 which have been busted by WHO.

Countries dealing with Coronavirus, COVID-19

It appears there is no end in sight for this fast spreading epidemic. It has today found its way  into neighbouring Korean territories, North Korea and South Korea, including Japan.

South Korea

The Korea Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has reported a total of 1,2 61, most of them in Daegu, which has a population of 2.5 million, with the spread so far linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus. The city has been deserted over fear of COVID-19.

Major public events have been cancelled, from K-pop concerts to the start of the K-league football season, including the World Team Table Tennis championships.

Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun told a meeting in Daegu that the government will mobilise all resources and means” to try to control the outbreak. 

North Korea

In North Korean, the government  has quarantined 380 foreigners, among them diplomats. Other measures include compulsory quarantine of all inbound visitors for a period of 30 days as part of effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 into North Korea territory.

Last week, North Korea cancelled the  Pyongyang Marathon over heightened fear of COVID-19, and shifted it to April. 

United States

The Coronavirus landed in the United States when it evacuated its citizens from China following the outbreak of the epidemic. According to the CDC, 18 people now quarantined have tested positive. 

“So far, 18 have tested positive at CDC.  Another 10 were reportedly positive in Japan.  Eleven (11) are receiving care at the University of Nebraska medical center.  Five are receiving care around Travis. Two are receiving care around Lackland”, the CDC said. 

However, there are fears that things could go worse. As Nancy Messonnier, the Director for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases said during the updates, there is no way to catch every traveler with the novel coronavirus from China.


“We never expected we’d catch every traveler with novel coronavirus from China.  It would be impossible. We’re not seeing spread here in the United States yet, but it is possible, even likely, that it may eventually happen.  

“Our goal continues to be slowing the introduction of the virus into the U.S”, she said. Her outburst, seems to conform with research on effectiveness of airport screening at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine which stated  that 46 out of 100 travelers will go undetected at entry points.


In Japan, the number of confirmed infections is now 154 as of February 25, with Hokkaido recording the highest of 35, followed by Tokyo with 32 infections. Aichi has 20 infected people and 13 in Wakayama. 

In addition, there were 691 confirmed cases among passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which arrived in Yokohama on February 3. Of these, 380 people did not have symptoms.


Deputy Health Minister tests positive to coronavirus

In Iran, no less than 16 deaths have been recorded, with 95 people confirmed to have been infected. 

Among those infected is the Deputy Health Minister, Iraj Harirchi. The minister uploaded a video in which he said he has contracted the epidemic and that he has  undergone self-quarantine, assuring that the authority will work to bring COVID-19 under control.

Patient suffering from COVID-19 battles for life in hospital

“I wanted to tell you that I got corona. I had a fever yesterday. The tests came back positive last night. I isolated myself. Just a few moments ago, I was told that the final test came. I’ll start taking medicine. Generally, I feel fine. I just felt a bit tired, I had a fever, and it will drop.

“Be sure with the effort of the medical staff and ministry of health headed by the [health minister] and with your support and the state and military within the coming weeks, we’ll be victorious against this virus. We’ll defeat corona. Be assured. I’m saying this deep from my heart. This virus is democratic, and it doesn’t distinguish between poor and rich or statesman and an ordinary citizen.

“Many might get infected, but we have enough effective medicine, take care of yourselves. Take care of the nurses and doctors who work heroically.”

Consequently the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday banned all flights to and from Iran. 


In Italy, 11 people have died from COVID-19, with 322 others confirmed with the disease. Most of the cases, 212 heavily concentrated in Lombardy, Italy Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte has said.  

France: France has reported 2 deaths from Coronavirus. A 60 year old Frenchman and 80 year old Japanese tourist.

Germany has also reported cases of infection from people who have been to Italy.


In Spain, a case has been reported, involving a woman who has been to Italy.  In the Spanish Island of Tenerife, about 1,000 people were locked up in a hotel following reports that an Italian doctor and wife tested positive to Coronavirus.

Croatia also confirmed a case involving a man who returned from Italy. 

In Switzerland, a man living in neighbouring Ticino, close to Italy tested positive to Coronavirus and is currently under quarantine. 

In Austria, a young Italian couple  living in Innsbruck tested positive and they have been put under medical observation. 


In Britain, 13 people have been infected with the Coronavirus, with government officials telling travelers who have flu-like symptoms returning from northern Italy to self-isolate.

 At least six schools in England have been closed amid concerns that pupils could be infected  after visiting Italy.

Starconnectmedia.com reports that cases have  been reported in Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Japan.

Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, 85 cases have been recorded with two deaths since January 20, 2020. About 18 people have recovered from the epidemic.  In Brazil, a man tested positive to COVID-19 in Sao Paulo, while the case of Greece involved a woman who travelled to Italy. 


In Vietnam, 16 people have tested positive to Coronavirus but the good news is that they have all been cured. 

According to the Health Ministry in Vietnam, all 16 people in Vietnam infected with COVID-19  have been cured, adding that no new cases have been recorded since Feb 13.

“The last known patient, a 50-year-old man infected by his daughter who returned from China’s central city of Wuhan, where the virus first emerged, has recovered and is in good condition”, the statement said. 

What is worrisome at this moment about the epidemic is the fact that it is escalating rapidly, forcing WHO to warn  that urgent steps must be taken to prevent it from turning into a pandemic

Addressing the situation, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told journalists in Geneva that Coronavirus has potential to become a pandemic.

“For the moment, we are not witnessing the uncontained global spread of this virus, and we are not witnessing large-scale severe disease or death,” he said, adding that what is occurring is Coronavirus epidemics in different parts of the world, which are affecting countries differently and he made a strong appeal to all countries is to assume their responsibilities and to know that they can fully count on the WHO to support them in that effort,” 

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