I would ask for a cup of water, after two days of no eating or drinking, and they would throw it in front of me; as a result, I became dehydrated and the water dried up for the baby. They didn’t give me any medical treatment
Admin I Wednesday, October 16, 2024
PALESTINE – A Palestinian woman, Afnan Abu Hussein(24) has just been released by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu-led Israeli government.
Afnan Abu Hussein who was arrested some time ago from her home in Bani Naim was released on bail in the sum of 5,000 shekels but despite news of her release, her ordeal while under detention was horrible even when it was clear to the Israeli government that she was pregnant.
Afnan, who is in her final trimester and mother of a two year is reported to be scheduled for caesarean section today.
She said was beaten by the Israeli Occupation Forces in her home before she was detained. She described the terrible conditions of the prison where she was held incommunicado.
“They provoked me in the worst ways; it was psychological torture for me. They filmed me on TikTok while I was tied with shackles to the bed, and they danced around me.
“ I would ask for a cup of water, after two days of no eating or drinking, and they would throw it in front of me; as a result, I became dehydrated and the water dried up for the baby. They didn’t give me any medical treatment”, she said.
She added that the Israeli Defence Forces, IDF forced her to sign an undertaken that she is responsible if she loses her baby having refused to give birth in Israeli hospital .