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Jews celebrate pagers explosion in Lebanon



Admin I Wednesday, Sept 17, 2024


LEBANON – Images have appeared from settlements in Israel showing jews celebrating the pagers explosion in Lebanon.

The explosion  killed at least nine Lebanese, with almost 3000 others  injured.

The jews were seen in their synagogue singing and celebrating in circles just as the Palestinians celebrate killing Israelis.

Meanwhile, the Arabic channel of Sky News has provided more insights into the explosion, reporting that the Mossad placed explosives into batteries of walkie-talkies, detonating them by raising the temperature of the batteries.


“They used PETN, which is stable rather than other materials for this operation

“The introduction of the material was carried out even before the devices came into the hands of Hezbullah”, the channel said.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian National Initiative has described the criminal attack on Lebanon as a terrorist act and an attack on innocent civilians, adding that it represents the implementation of Netanyahu’s  fascist government’s conspiracy to detonate a comprehensive war on Lebanon and drag the region into a regional war and to prevent reaching an agreement to stop the war of extermination on the Gaza Strip.

“Netanyahu would not have dared to commit all these crimes without the absolute American support and Western silence, but he will fail in the face of the steadfastness and resistance of the peoples of the region, especially the Lebanese and Palestinian peoples, and his plans will be shattered as the conspiracies of the aggressors who preceded him were shattered”, the group said.

The Resistance Committees in Palestine also condemned what they described as the barbaric Zionist crime against the Lebanese people, which resulted in martyrs and hundreds of wounded people.

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