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PEN, German writers’ association bans far-right AfD members



Admin I Saturday, June 22, 2024


BERLIN – The German branch of the writers’ association PEN does not want any members of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) in its ranks and has passed a resolution to that effect.

The resolution prohibiting simultaneous membership of the party and the writers’ association was passed unanimously at a general meeting in the northern port city of Hamburg on Friday, the organisation officially known as PEN Centre Germany announced on Saturday.

German PEN Secretary General Michael Landgraf explained: “With this resolution, the members of the PEN Centre unanimously underline their commitment to the values and principles formulated in the PEN International Charter.” These are in direct contradiction to the goals and ideas of the AfD, he said.

The PEN International Charter obliges members to use their influence at all times to promote good understanding and mutual respect between nations and to combat all forms of hatred.


The AfD propagates views and goals that are diametrically opposed to these principles, the statement from PEN Centre Germany continued. The AfD’s political agenda aims to emphasise and often exacerbate national and cultural boundaries, it added.

PEN Centre Germany was founded 100 years ago. The abbreviation stands for Poets, Essayists, Novelists. The writers’ association is committed to literature, freedom of expression and international understanding.

In 2022, there was a split and the second association, PEN Berlin, was founded.


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