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How Israel is abusing Palestinian, using him as a human shield in Gaza war

Justice for Palestinian tied to Israeli war tank
New antics of Israeli Defence Forces, IDF in Gaza



Admin I Sunday, June 23, 2024


GAZA – The Israeli Defence Forces have continued to use Palestinians as shields against their Armoured Personnel Carriers, APC and tanks in the ongoing war in Gaza.

An online video uploaded from Gaza showed a Palestinian civilian  strapped on one of the APCs with his bare back on the hood and drove him to and fro, shoving him before finally flinging him to the floor.

He had previously been shot and injured by the IDF before he was strapped on the bonnet. 

The casualty who has found himself in the hospital with his back seared by the tank  told the story of one of the  wicked antics of the Israeli Occupying forces in Gaza.


The scene is so terrible that one writer likened the act to some of the tactics used by fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIS.

This is just one of the evils perpetrated by IDF in the ongoing war in Gaza that has killed over 37,000 Palestinians, over 16,000 of them children, for the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel during which 1,139 Israelis were killed. 

Already the United Nation Committee on Human Rights reports has documented Israel as committing war crimes on an unprecedented proportion in Gaza, killing women and children, using starvation, water and others as instruments of war.

Already, the whole of Rafah crossing has been blocked by Israel and in the process denying the starving population, including children of urgently required humanitarian aid.


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