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Kano abrogates 5 emirates, return to pre-Ganduje era

Emir Sanusi returning
Sanusi Lamido Sanusi,

Emir Sanusi may return


Admin I Thursday, May 23, 2024


KANO, Nigeria  – The Kano State Government has abrogated the five new emirates created during the era of Abdullahi Ganduje after he deposed Sanusi Lamido Sanusi as the Emir of Kano.

Abrogation of the law establishing the five emirates has reverted the state to the pre-Ganduje era, fueling speculation about the return of Emir Sanusi as the Emir of Kano.

Majority leader of the Kano House of Assembly, Hon. Lawal Hussaini Chediyar Yan Gurasa today announced to the house that abrogation of the extant law, the Appointment and Deposition Law means there is no single emir in Kano State at the moment.

“This bill in its entity has abrogated the establishment of 5 new Emirates in the state and reverted to the former status of a single emir in Kano which we inherited since the Jihad of Shehu Usman Dan Fodio. That’s what the Bill is now all about and there was a plan to create an additional second class Emir after this”, the Majority Leader noted. 

He explained that the new status is that the remaining 5 emirs are no longer in existence. There is no Emir now in Kano. It is now the decision of the governor to appoint a new emir. The Bill has empowered the governor to invite the kingmakers to nominate a new king. 


“So we are now waiting for the governor to ascent to the Bill if he wishes and invite the kingmakers to give him a new king”, he said, stressing that the abolished emirate did nothing but create division among the indigence of kano. 

“The unity which was visible for thousands of years in Kano was divided. We are now reverting back to our old historical background; one Kano, one people, one Emir”, he said. 

“We expect cooperation from the people of Kano. This is a welcome development. Kano is now United. That is what we are hoping that the people of Kano would cooperate. We need their maximum cooperation and prayer towards the peace and development of our great state.”

The lawmaker had sponsored the motion for repealing of the law which ex-Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje assented to on December 5, 2019, and created four additional emirates afterwards.

Ganduje later dethroned Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi, the 14th Emir of Kano.


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