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Farmer, Elon Ezeh who allegedly duped colleague N113 million for 25,000 broilers lands in hospital

Elon Ezeh says its business that wen bad not fraud
Elon Ezeh who operates Urban Farm in Ibadan, operating online as Africasagripreneur on sick bed left

Says it’s business that went bad not fraud


Emmanuel Ukudolo I Friday, May 24, 2024


LAGOS, Nigeria – Elon Ezeh, a young farmer operating an Urban Farm in Ibadan, who allegedly pocketed the sum of N113,000 000 for 25,000 broilers but failed to deliver the birds has suddenly landed in the hospital after tales of her financial escapades hit the social media.

Elon Ezeh, who operates online as Africasagripreneur collected the money from another farmer, Judith Okoli, who calls herself Nurse-agripreneur and CEO of Nderafoods.

Okoli who said since she parted with the cash, Elon Ezeh became unreachable and that she has tried everything to intimidate and silence her for daring to speak up and demand her money for lack of performance.

She is fed up and  felt traumatised as a result of the attitude of Elon Ezeh.
While Judith Okoli spoke through an online video, our correspondent reached out to Elon Ezeh for her reaction to balance the story. See her reaction HERE.

However, two days after the story hit the social media, she came out with her pictures in the hospital. She appeared sick and not in her usual lively rhythm and wrote that her name was being maligned on the net but that she is not weak and that journalists who wrote the story did not reach out to her.


Nevertheless, she said she will provide details at the appropriate time.  Summarily, she said it was a business deal that went awry and not fraudulent.

“I am not weak. Let’s try to be kind with our words. am not begging anyone to follow me, you can unfollow me. That I did not rush to tell my side of the story does not mean I am guilty .
“What do you think social media is for. So, it is you all that will prove I am innocent or what, No na. There is justice and legal system in Nigeria and I will get justice”, she explained, stressing that as far as she is concerned, she did honest business with someone but that it went bad and it does not mean scam.

“ As far as I am concerned, I did an honest business with someone and it went bad, but that does not make I am a scammer. But coming online to defame and bully me is a crime and it’s against my human rights as a Nigerian”, Elon Ezeh threatened.

She equally questioned her accuser: “So, you were expecting to invest in poultry and expecting it to go 50-50 are you not a joker. If I defrauded her, is it on the social media that I will be caught? Why are Nigerians very gullible? You did not go to the EFCC or write a petition, you just came online, who does that?

“At this point, the lady is not after her money. She wants to get back to me. All the blogs you guys are helping her to tag, none reached out to me and that video went viral.

“This is the reason why I didn’t want to say anything. We have a legal system in Nigeria, let them determine If I am fraud or not. That I am not talking does not mean I am a fool. My father trained me well. I am a very good content creator…

“We were close friends, we know our dirty linens and I can’t wash it outside. This is my choice, kindly respect it. When I am ready to speak, I will”, she said.

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