Cubana Chief priest withdraws applications, goes for plea bargain

Club owner, Okechukwu Pascal, better known as Chief Priest Cubana allegedly stomping and spraying the Naira at social function



Emmanuel Ukudolo I Thursday, May 02, 2024


IKOYI, Lagos, Nigeria – Social media personality and  Manager The Cubana, Okechukwu Pascal better known as Cubana Chief Priest has withdrawn two applications, the preliminary objections he filed, challenging the authority of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC to prosecute him for Naira Abuse and mutilation based on the CBN Act of 2007.

Counsel to Cubana Chief Priest, Chikoso Ojukwu, SAN had in the two applications filed before Justice K. O. Ogundara averred that the charges were miscellaneous offences which fall under the purview of the Nigeria Police Force(NPF) to prosecute and not the EFCC.

But at today’s hearing, Cubana Chief Priest decided to mellow down and withdraw the applications.

His lawyer, Chikoso Ojukwu, on his feet announced that the EFCC had given him the leave to inform the court about the status of the matter.

“My Lord, the Prosecutor said we should inform the court about the status of the case. 

“We are for settlement of the case based on Section 412 of the EFCC establishment Act to compound the matter.

“If the EFCC agrees, we will withdraw our applications to allow for compounding of the applications”, he said.

The EFCC prosecutor, represented by   Bilkisu Buhari confirmed receipt of the applications to withdraw the applications but said that the Defendant’s application is still under consideration by the commission.

The Senior Advocate, representing Cubana Chief Priest then made the following aversions.

“ My Lord, we apply to withdraw notice of preliminary objections filed, one on 17th April 2024 and the other on 24th April, 2024. But the prosecution is yet to respond”, he said and urged the court to strike out the applications in the interest of justice to enable his client to pursue settlement with the commission.

Bilkusu Buhari, representing the EFCC said, “We are not opposing”.

Justice K.O. Ogundare ruled that based on the applications before the court, “the preliminary objections filed by the defence  dated 17.4.2024 and 24.4.2024 are hereby struck out”.

He then fixed 5th of June 2024 for report settlement. 

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