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Banky Wellington undergoes surgery for cancer

Banky W treated for cancer
Banky Wellington and his lovely wife, Adesua before and after the treatment at the hospital


Admin I Friday, May 24, 2024


LAGOS, Nigeria – Reputable Nigerian musician and politician, Banky Wellington better known as Banky W has undergone successful surgical treatment for cancer tumors.

The musician turned politician made the revelation on the social media when he posted  final score: Christ 4- Cancer tumors 0. 

He showed his appreciation to his doctors which he described as gifted hands, Dr. Onyewu of the Centre for Advanced Specialty Surgery and Dr. Adenuga of Euracare and the team that supports them.

He also expressed his gratitude to his wife, family, friends and pastors for their love and prayers and support during the surgery.


“Thanking God for my health and trusting that this latest victory is finally in Jesus name”, he said. 

The politician said he posted the testimony to encourage anyone out there that is going through a challenge.

“It might seems bigger than you but greater is He that is in you than anything you will face in this world”, he said.  He  went into the scriptures, recalling that God said weapons formed against his people will not prosper. 

“God never said  the weapons wouldn’t form. He promised that they wouldn’t prosper. He never said the enemy wouldn’t come .. He promised that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of God would raise a standard against him”, he said.

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