America kicks as Iraq bans prostitution, homosexuality, sex alteration in new law

Gay couple, an abnormality
A gay couple


Admin I Tuesday, April 30, 2024


WASHINGTON – The United States of America has condemned the anti-prostitution and anti-homoxesuality legislation signed into law in Iraq.

Called ‘Law on Combating Prostitution and Homosexuality’, the law prescribes no less than 10 years and no longer than 15 years for breaches. 

Besides, promoting homosexuality “in any way” will also be punishable by no less than seven years in jail and a fine of 10 to 15 million dinars. It also prohibits organisations from  promoting prostitution or homosexuality in Iraq.

In addition, a prison term of one to three years will be imposed on anyone charged with practising or promoting effeminacy, in addition to a fine of five to 10 million dinars.

“Any individual who undergoes a sex-reassignment surgery, as well as the doctor or surgeon conducting the operation, will face one to three years in jail”. The  bill however excludes cases of medical intervention to “treat birth defects to affirm the sex of the individual” following a court order.

Reacting to the law, Spokesman Department of States, Matthew Miller said the  United States is deeply concerned by the Iraqi Council of Representatives’ passage of an amendment to existing legislation, officially called the Anti-Prostitution and Homosexuality Law, which threatens constitutionally protected human rights and fundamental freedoms. 

“The law bans same-sex relations with steep fines and imprisonment and punishes those who “promote homosexuality.” Limiting the rights of certain individuals in a society undermines the rights of all.

“This amendment threatens those most at risk in Iraqi society. It can be used to hamper free-speech and expression and inhibit the operations of NGOs across Iraq”, he said, adding that the legislation also weakens Iraq’s ability to diversify its economy and attract foreign investment. 

“International business coalitions have already indicated that such discrimination in Iraq will harm business and economic growth in the country.

“Respect for human rights and political and economic inclusion is essential for Iraq’s security, stability, and prosperity. This legislation is inconsistent with these values and undermines the government’s political and economic reform efforts”, the statement said.

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