Unraveling the Mystery: What is Lagos State hiding in the Mohbad Case?

Mohbad and Sanwo-Olu
Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu and Mohbad


Only through open communication and accountability can the government alleviate fears, dispel rumors, and ensure justice in the tragic case of Mohbad’s untimely demise


Emmanuel Ukudolo I Monday, March 04, 2024




LAGOS, Nigeria – It has been almost six months since the tragic demise of the promising young musician Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Promise Aloba, widely known as Mohbad. 

The events surrounding his death on September 12, 2023, at a gig in Ikorodu, Lagos, have raised numerous questions and concerns among Nigerians. As the investigation unfolded, a series of events and actions by both the Nigeria Police and the Lagos State Government have led to speculations and a growing sense of unease among the public.

The Investigation and Autopsy:

Following widespread interest and suspicion about the circumstances behind Mohbad’s death, the Nigeria Police exhumed his body for an autopsy on September 21, 2023, under pressure from the public and human rights advocate Mr. Femi Falana. The police committee, tasked with unraveling the mystery, concluded that professional negligence by a nurse hired by Mohbad was the secondary cause of the incident (source: https://starconnectmedia.com/2023/10/how-mohbad-died-police-investigation/). This revelation, while shedding light on a potential contributor to the tragedy, left many questions unanswered.

The Autopsy and the Ongoing Toxicology Test:

On November 22, 2023, at Ita-Elewa, Ikorodu, Lagos State Counsel Mr. O. Akinde informed Magistrate Adetayo Shotobi, the Coroner, that the autopsy on Mohbad’s external body had been completed. However, he revealed that the toxicology test, examining the internal body, was undergoing processes in the United States.

This delay sparked concerns and raised eyebrows, leaving the public in anticipation of crucial information that could shed light on the circumstances surrounding Mohbad’s death.

The Silence of Lagos State Government:

Despite the completion of the external body autopsy, the Lagos State Government has remained conspicuously silent on the results of the toxicology test. Joseph Aloba, Mohbad’s father, voiced his worry and called on the state government to disclose the findings. “Tell the Nigerians what you know about Mohbad’s death”, he said.

However, since that plea, there has been no official statement or information released by the Lagos State Government, fueling suspicion and leaving many to question the reasons behind the prolonged silence.

Possible Reasons for Delay:

Several factors could contribute to the delay in disclosing the toxicology test results. Firstly, the complexity of the testing process, especially when conducted internationally, may naturally require time.

However, the lack of updates or communication from the government has fueled speculation that there may be more at play. Concerns are growing that the government might be hiding information or attempting to manipulate the narrative surrounding Mohbad’s death.

Transparency and Accountability:

In situations involving high-profile cases, transparency and accountability are crucial to maintaining public trust. The failure of the Lagos State Government to provide timely updates and communicate the findings of the toxicology test has created a vacuum of information, allowing rumors and speculation to flourish. To address these concerns, the government must prioritize transparency and promptly share the relevant information with the public.


The mysterious circumstances surrounding Mohbad’s death have left the public seeking answers, and the delay in disclosing the toxicology test results has only deepened the sense of uncertainty. 

The Lagos State Government, led by Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, must recognize the importance of transparency and address the growing concerns by promptly sharing the findings with the public. Only through open communication and accountability can the government alleviate fears, dispel rumors, and ensure justice in the tragic case of Mohbad’s untimely demise.


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