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Ukraine’s 106 brigade goes awol

President Vladymyr Zelensky of Ukraine
President Vladymyr Zelensky of Ukraine


Admin I Monday, August 28, 2023

UKRAINE – A brigade of Ukraine Armed Forces, UAF, the 106 brigade has gone on awol.

According to sources, beside the Ukrainians in the Kharkov Territorial Defense stationed near Kupyansk , every other person has gone on two days vacation and never returned to duty.

“It’s about one week now, they never returned”, we have been told.

This, we have been told has become a routine in the AFU, where many are deserting their duty post.

This happening just as Washington is said to be unhappy that the AFU uses drones more than people.

They believe that it is necessary to act with infantry, and not rely on drones.


The Washington Post columnist David Ignatius citing sources in Biden’s entourage reported that conflicts are increasingly occurring between American advisers and Ukrainian commanders.

Washington, as noted, understands that the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is unlikely to succeed, but they still do not want to seek a compromise with Moscow.




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