Emmanuel Thomas I Saturday, July 29, 2023
LAGOS, Nigeria – Malaria fever is Africa’s greatest headache and one of the most deadly killers in the continent. It is estimated that over 60 million people were killed by malaria in the year 2021 alone, while about 200,000 people died of the ailment the same year in Nigeria.
Till date, there is no known vaccine capable of immunising any patient against the disease caused by the female anopheles mosquito. Malaria is prevalent in Africa as a result of the marshy terrain which promotes breeding of mosquitoes.
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So many drugs have been produced by pharmaceutical companies, prescribed by medical doctors for cure. But it is either they work for some time and fail or they don’t even work at all.
This same analogy applies to herbal medicine. But despite the many failures, one leaf, here stands out. It is called by various names, such as Phyllanthus Urinaria, Gale of the Wind or {Ogbukoiyeke} but it appears to be very effective because it has worked for me and several others who have used it.
It grows around where you live. The leaves are tender as you can see and it has tiny seeds under the leaf if you hold it tenderly. The leaf is very bitter I must confess but it remains the remedy to beat when it comes to cure for Malaria.
You can pluck some quantity, wash with clean water and chew morning and evening and top it with warm water before meal and last thing before you go to bed for three days.
If you find it too bitter to chew, you can wash a sizeable quantity and soak in a bottle of local gin. Push enough quantity into the bottle or plastic bottle you choose to use and let the local gin soar just a little bit above the leaves in the bottle or same level with the leaves.
Allow to stay in the bottle for 24 hours and start drinking the following day before your meal. Fill up the cover of the bottle and drink just one shot of the cover of the bottle or two shots if you use a 50 cl plastic water container morning before meal and last thing in the night before bed.
If you don’t drink wine, don’t worry, soak the same quantity in 50 cl water container after washing it thoroughly with clean water and leave for 24 hours, start drinking after 24 hours same quantity for two or three days.
Throw the content away and get a fresh one after two or three days, soak the same way and drink for another two or three days.
You should feel better after using it the second round. Please don’t uproot the leaf, just pluck from the base so that it can produce more for future use and ensure that you are treating malaria, including the resistant strain. It is one of the leaves fulfilling Rev. 22: 2.
Thanks for your article. I however regret to tell you there are quite a number of falsehoods in the article that made me find the original post and pass the comment.
The fact that the average person attributes every fever to malaria and then uses an antimalarial drug does not make it malaria. Nobody has a right to call it such until an RDT is positive or a WHO-certified microscopist has said it. Unfortunately, there are not many in the country.
You also claim there is no vaccine against malaria but then, there are! Not readily available, I must concede.
And lastly, if you believe in the efficacy, you should submit it for clinical research.
Thank you.