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Michael Lewis named CEO of gas importer Uniper

Gas importer, Uniper gets new ceo
Michael Lewis CEO, Uniper


Admin l Wednesday, March 01, 2023


BERLIN – Eon manager Michael Lewis is to become chief executive officer of the German nationalized gas importer Uniper.  The company’s supervisory board agreed on the appointment in an extraordinary meeting, the Dusseldorf-based group said on Wednesday.

Lewis’ contract is valid for five years. It has not yet been determined when exactly he will take up his duties.


Lewis trained as an engineer and has 30 years of experience in the energy sector. He began his career in 1993 at Powergen in Britain and has held various posts at Eon since 2007. In 2017, he became chief executive of Eon in Britain.

Uniper’s previous chief executive, Klaus-Dieter Maubach, resigned effective the end of February. He had exercised his special right to step down after the German government took a majority stake in the company to save it from collapse.

Russia’s decision to terminate its gas deliveries following its invasion of Ukraine meant the company had to buy gas on the market at significantly higher prices in order to fulfil its contracts.

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