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Ales Bialiatski, Memorial, Centre for Civil Liberties win Nobel Peace Prize 2022

Ales Bialiatski, others win Nobel Peace Prize 2022


Admin l Friday, October 7, 2022


BELARUS –  The Norwegian  Nobel Committee today awarded  the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize to one individual and two human rights organisations.

The beneficiaries of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize are Ales Bialiatski, a Belarusian human rights activist, currently serving his jail terms in Belarus, and the Russian Human Rights organization, Memorial and the Ukrainian Human rights organization, Centre for Civil Liberties.

Speaking on the peace prize,  the Norwegian Nobel Committee  said the Peace Prize represent civil liberties in their home countries.

“They have for many years promoted the right to criticize power and protect the fundamental human rights of citizens.

“They have made an outstanding  efforts to document war crimes, human right abuses and the abuse of power.


“Together, they demonstrate  the significance of civil society for peace and democracy”

The Center for Civil Liberties  was founded for the purpose of advancing human rights and democracy in Ukraine. It has taken a stand to strengthen Ukrainian civil society and pressure the authorities to make Ukraine a full-fledged democracy.

After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the center has engaged in efforts to identify and document Russian war crimes against the Ukrainian population. The center is playing a pioneering role in holding guilty parties accountable for their crimes.

Memorial, the committee said has been shut down by the Russian government for documenting human right abuses against the Russian government.

Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee,  Jørgen Watne Frydnes appealed to the government of Belarus to grant Ales Bialiatski freedom to continue his work.


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