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Coronavirus: Active cases in Nigeria hit 13,554, USA 205, 273 in 24 hours

Coronavirus: Active cases hit 13,554 in Nigeria
Governor Okowa inaugurates Omene Road, Lawrence/Iju Road, and Lapboard Road in Sapele, Hon. Onosa Road, Jesse and Sargin Erhivieta/Mission Road Jesse, in Sapele and Ethiope West LGA.





USA: 205, 273

India: 32, 937

Brazil: 28, 428

UK: 28, 244

Spain: 25, 726

Russia: 20, 154



Admin l Tuesday, August 17, 2021



LAGOS – The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, NCDC has confirmed 584 new cases of Coronavirus pandemic, bringing all time cases to 183, 087. But out of the 183, 087 confirmed cases,  167, 310 patients have been treated and discharged, while 2, 223 others could not make it alive, leaving Nigeria with 13, 554 active cases while 4 patients died in the last 24 hours.

NCDC: 584 new cases of #COVID19Nigeria; Lagos – 201,  Rivers – 149,  FCT – 82, Ondo – 73, Ekiti – 17,  Cross River – 13, Oyo – 11,Ogun – 9, Delta- 8, Osun – 8,  Bayelsa – 4, Kaduna – 4,  Kano – 2,  Kwara-2, Sokoto- 1: 183, 087 confirmed; 167, 310 discharged, 2,223 deaths”, the NCDC has announced.

There are now 207, 771, 498 confirmed cases of Coronavirus pandemic worldwide, 4, 370, 276 patients have passed on while 4, 703, 130, 308

Coronavirus vaccines have been administered worldwide based on the latest statistics from the Centre for Systems Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland.

According to the centre, the United States remains the most afflicted country, reporting 36, 870, 243 all time cases, while 622, 279  patients are no more(205, 273 new and 684 deaths*), followed by India, which has reported 32, 225,513  confirmed cases, while  431, 642 patients have died(32, 937 new and 417 deaths*) and Brazil with 20, 378, 570 all time cases and 569,492 deaths(28, 428 new and 704 deaths*).

Russia remains the 4th country most hit, now reporting 6, 531, 585 all time cases, while 168, 384 patients are no more(20, 154 new and 789 deaths*), and France with 6, 476, 855 all time cases, while 112, 787 patients have been killed by the pandemic(5593 new and  81 deaths *)and the United Kingdom which has documented 6, 325,351 all time cases, while 131,296 patients have been killed by the pandemic(28, 244 new and 27 deaths*).

Turkey remains the 7th country most hit, reporting 6,096,786 all time cases, while 53,324 patients are no more (18, 163 new and 165 deaths*), followed by Argentina with 5,088, 271 total cases and 109, 105 deaths (7363 new and 169 deaths*) and Colombia which has reported 4, 870, 922 all time cases, while 123,580 patients are no more(5637 new and 224 deaths*).

Spain is the 10th country most hit, reporting 4, 719,266 all time infections and 82, 595 deaths (25, 726 new and 125 deaths*) and South Africa with 2, 613, 569 confirmed cases while 77, 440 patients have been killed by the virus(7983 new and 299 deaths*).


NB: *New cases in the last 24 hours


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