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Coronavirus kills 4002 patients in India

Coronavirus kills 4002 in India
Nigerians defy security threat to demonstrate their lack of trust in the government they voted into power since 2015




Brazil: 85, 149

India: 84, 332

Argentina: 26, 934

USA: 18, 341

Russia: 13, 360

Spain: 9390


Admin l Sunday, June 13, 2021



LAGOS, Nigeria – There are now 175,418, 349  confirmed cases of Coronavirus worldwide, 3, 787, 766   patients have passed on while 2,312,131,726 doses of Coronavirus vaccines have been administered worldwide based on the latest updates from the Centre for Systems Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland.

According to the  centre, the United States remains the most affected country globally, reporting 33, 454, 394  confirmed cases, while 599, 626 lives have been wasted by the pandemic(18, 341 new and 499 deaths*), followed by India which has documented 29, 359, 155  all time infections, while 367, 081 lives are no more(84, 332 new and 4002 deaths*) and Brazil which has reported 17, 296, 118  all time cases, while 484, 235 patients have died as a result of the pandemic(85, 149 new and 2216 deaths*).

France remains the 4th country most hit, now reporting 5, 799, 459  all time infections, while 110, 540 patients have passed on as a result of the pandemic(3980 new and 34 deaths*), followed by Turkey which has reported 5, 325, 435  all time cases,  while 48, 668 lives are no more(6076 new and 75 deaths*) and Russia which has documented 5, 133, 938 all time infections, while 123, 961 lives are no more(13, 360 new and 393 deaths*).

The United Kingdom, now the 7th  most afflicted country has reported 4,  574, 445 confirmations, while 128, 160  patients  are no more(7554 new and 12 deaths*), followed by  Italy which has reported 4, 243, 482  confirmed cases of Coronavirus while 126, 976 patients have passed on(1722 new and 52 deaths*) and Argentina which has documented 4, 093, 090  infections, while 84, 628  lives are no more(26, 934 new and 687 deaths*).

Spain has once more come up as the 10th country most afflicted, reporting 3, 733, 600  all time cases, while  80, 501  patients have lost their lives and South Africa still the 20th country most hit  with 1, 739, 425  all time  infections, while 57, 706 lives have been wasted by the Coronavirus pandemic(9390 new and 114 deaths*).


NB: New cases reported in 24 hours.

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