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Coronavirus: 21,716 active in Nigeria, 83,055 new in U.S; cases cross 15 million worldwide

Coronavirus cases cross 15 million worldwide
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Some New Cases

  • U.S: 83,055
  • Brazil: 41,008
  • India: 37, 724
  • Mexico: 12, 878
  • South Africa: 21,320

Admin l Thursday, July 23, 2020

LAGOS, Nigeria – The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has confirmed 543 new cases of Coronavirus in Nigeria, bringing the total number in the country to 38,344 cases.

Out of the 38,344 confirmed cases, 15,815 Nigerians have been discharged from isolation centres, while 813 others could not make it alive, leaving Nigeria with 21, 716 active cases of the pandemic.

Table of coronavirus cases in Nigerian states

Breakdown of the new cases is as follows – Lagos-180, FCT-86,Kaduna-56, Edo-47, Ondo-37, Kwara-35, Ogun-19, Rivers-19, Kano-17,Ebonyi-16, Enugu-16,Delta-7, Bayelsa-4, Bauchi-3, Abia-1, making a total of 543 new cases of Coronavirus in Nigeria.

“NCDC@NCDCgov 543 new cases of #COVID19Nigeria;Lagos-180, FCT-86,Kaduna-56, Edo-47, Ondo-37, Kwara-35, Ogun-19, Rivers-19, Kano-17,Ebonyi-16, Enugu-16,Delta-7, Bayelsa-4, Bauchi-3, Abia-1; 38,344 confirmed; 15,815 discharged; 813 deaths”, the NCDC said in a statement.


Total confirmed cases worldwide today crossed 15 million marks based on reports from the Centre for System Science Engineering, John Hopkins University, Maryland. According to the centre, there are currently 15, 056,149 cases,  619,784 deaths, while 8, 536, 350 others have recovered.

The United States however remains the most affected country,  reporting 3, 941, 741 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, 142, 756 deaths, while 1, 182, 018 Americans have been discharged from isolation centres, leaving the state with 2,616, 967 active cases(83,055 cases in 24 hours) forcing President Donald Trump to now make pronouncement encouraging Americans to wear face masks.


Brazil is the next most affected country,  with 2, 159, 654 confirmed  cases, 81,487 deaths, while 1, 579, 194  others have recovered, leaving  Brazil with 498,973 active cases of the pandemic(41,008 cases in the last 24  hours).

India is the third most affected country in the world, reporting 1, 193,078 confirmed cases, 28, 732 deaths, while 753, 050 Indians have recovered, leaving India with 411,296 active cases of the pandemic(37, 724 new cases in the last 24 hours), followed by Russia with 787, 486 confirmed cases,  12, 722 deaths, while 570, 984 Russians have recovered, leaving Russia with 203, 780 active cases, followed by South Africa with 394, 948 confirmed cases, 5, 940 deaths, while 229, 175 others have been discharged, leaving South Africa with 159,833 active cases of the pandemic(21,320 cases in the last 24 hours).

Mexico is next with 362, 274 confirmed cases, 41, 190 deaths, while 272, 636 others have been discharged, leaving Mexico with 48, 448 active cases of the pandemic(12, 878 cases in the last 24 hours), followed by  Peru, which has documented  362, 087 confirmed cases, 13, 579 deaths, while 248, 746 others have recovered, leaving Peru with 99, 762 active cases of the virus, followed by  Chile which has reported 334, 683 confirmed cases of Coronavirus,  8, 677 deaths, while 306, 816 others have recovered, leaving Chile with 19, 190 active cases of the pandemic.

United Kingdom which has recorded the highest casualty in Europe has documented 297, 952 confirmed cases, 45, 586 deaths, while only 1, 414 others have been discharged, leaving the United Kingdom with 250,952 active cases of the pandemic, followed by China where the pandemic was first reported.

China has reported 85, 314 confirmed cases, 4, 644 deaths, while 80,018 others have been discharged, leaving China with 652 active cases.

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