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Coronavirus in Nigeria: 12801 as cases surpass 7 million worldwide

COVID-19 hits 591997 globally
The 110-bed Isolation centre delivered by Gtbank

Deaths: US 110, 932, UK 40, 680, Brazil 36, 455

Admin l Tuesday, 09, 2020

LAGOS, Nigeria – The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control(NCDC) has confirmed 315 new cases of Coronavirus in Nigeria, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the country to 12801.

Out of the 12801 cases, 4040 patients have recoverd and subsequently discharged, while 361 others could not make it alive.

However, a breakdown of the 315 cases revealed that 128 new cases were found in Lagos, 34 in Abuja, 32 in River, 28 in Edo, 22 in Oyo, 20 in Kaduna, 13 in Gombe, 13 in Ogun, 8 in Plateau, 7 in Delta, 7 in Kwara, 5 in Kano, 4 in Bauchi and 2 in Katsina”, the NCDC said of new cases of Coronavirus in Nigeria.

“@NCDCgov 315 new cases of#COVID-19; Lagos -128, FCT – 34, River- 32, Edo- 28, Oyo- 22, Kaduna- 20, Gombe- 13, Ogun- 8, Plateau- 5, Delta- 7, Kwara- 7, Kano- 5, Bauchi- 4, Katsina- 2. 12801 cases of #COVID19Nigeria. Discharged: 4040. Deaths: 361”, the NCDC said in a statement.

Globally, there are now 7,085, 894 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, while 405, 168 patients have died based on statistics from the Centre for Systems Science and Engineering, John Hopkins University, Maryland.


According to the centre, the United States still leads among the most affected nations, reporting 1,956, 499 confirmed cases, with 110, 932 deaths, followed by Brazil which has reported 691, 758 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, while 36, 455 others could not make it alive.

Next in ranks, among most affected countries is Russia, which is presently the most afflicted country in Europe in terms of population affected. Russia has reported 476, 043 confirmed cases of Coronavirus with 5, 963 deaths, followed by the United Kingdom which has suffered the highest casualty in Europe.

The United Kingdom now has 288, 834 confirmed cases with 40, 680 deaths, followed by India, which has reported 265, 928 confirmed cases of the pandemic, while 7, 473 patients have passed on, followed by Spain which has reported 241, 717 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, while 27, 136 patients have passed on.

Next is Italy with 235, 278 confirmed cases with 33, 964 deaths and then China, now occupying the 18 spots in the ranks of most affected countries in the world. China has reported 84, 192 confirmed cases, 4, 638 deaths, while 79, 434 patients have recovered, leaving China with 120 cases.

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