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Coronavirus in Nigeria: 6175 cases, 191 dead, China left with 109 cases

4, 782, 539 cases of Coronavirus globally, 317, 566 deaths
Lagos Health workers and COVID-19 patient after a successful caesarean section to deliver her of a baby boy today at Gbagada isolation centre.

4, 782, 539 cases globally, 317, 566 deaths

Emmanuel Thomas l Tuesday, May 19, 2020

LAGOS, Nigeria – The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control(NCDC) has confirmed 216 new cases of Coronavirus in Nigeria, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in Nigeria to 6175.

But out of the total number of Coronavirus in Nigeria, 1644 patients have recovered and subsequently discharged from the various isolation centres while 191 others were not so lucky to survive the pandemic.

However, a breakdown of the 216 new cases of Coronavirus in Nigeria shows that 74 cases were found in Lagos, 33 in Katsina, 19 in Oyo, 17 in Kano, 13 in Edo, 10 in Zamfara, 8 in Ogun, 8 in Gombe, 8 in Borno, 7 in Bauchi, 7 in Kwara, 4 in Abuja, 3 in Enugu and 2 in Rivers State, making a total of 216 new cases.

“NCDC@NCDCgov 216 new cases of #COVID19; 74-Lagos 33-Katsina 19-Oyo 17-Kano 13-Edo 10-Zamfara 8-Ogun 8-Gombe 8-Borno 7-Bauchi 7-Kwara 4-FCT 3-Kaduna 3-Enugu 2-Rivers 6175 cases of #COVID19 in Nigeria Discharged: 1644 Deaths: 191”, the NCDC has reported.


Globally, there are currently 4, 782, 539 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, with 317, 566 deaths based on the statistics from the Centre for Systems Science and Engineering, John Hopkins University, Maryland.


According to the centre, the United States still maintains the lead among the most affected nations both in terms of population affected and the total number of deaths.

The United States currently has 1, 506, 732 confirmed cases of the pandemic, while 90, 194 patients have died, followed by Russia, which has reported 290, 678 confirmed cases of Coronavirus with 2, 722 deaths.

Next is the United Kingdom which currently has 247, 706 confirmed cases while 34, 876 patients have passed on. Brazil is next with a total of 245, 595 confirmed cases of the virus, while 16, 370 patients could not make it, followed by Spain, which has reported 231, 606 confirmed cases, while 27, 709 patients have died.

Italy has reported a total of 225, 886 confirmed cases of the pandemic with 32,007 deaths. In China where the pandemic started, there are currently 84, 054 confirmed cases, 4, 638 deaths while 79, 307 patients have recovered and subsequently discharged, leaving China with just 109 cases of Coronavirus.

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