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Suicide & mental health problems in Nigeria, early signs, preventive measures

Loneliness one of the signs of mental ailment

Byke Freeborn l Tuesday, Jan. 08, 2019

LAGOS, Nigeria – May 2019 is Mental Health Awareness Month. If you want to volunteer to share a story or you want to act in an educative video clip to create awareness for mental health, email flame.family@gmail.com . When you start hearing the colors and seeing the sounds, something must be wrong upstairs.

Looking at the statistics on suicide, Spectator Index published by W.H.O, ranks Nigeria as 5th in the world with 15,000 suicides in every
100,000. NOIPOlls Limited says poverty contributes 31% (Malnutrition 7%, + Poverty 24%) as major cause of suicide in Nigeria

People who commit suicide may have at some point in the past, spoken to someone about it. Only a listening ear is ever useful to such people.
When you suspect someone is always lonely, it should raise concern as to the person’s psychological well being. Mental disorder also referred to as mental illness or psychiatric disorder, is a sequence of a person’s behavior or a person’s mental pattern that results to great distress or weakens a person’s way of functioning.

Mental health is the absence of mental illness, and it includes the emotional/psychological and social well-being. This is responsible for
how we think, feel, and act. It contributes to how we manage stress, how we relate to people around us, and how we make choices through
decisions. At every stage of life – childhood, adolescence and adulthood – great attention must be paid to mental health.

For instance, If I buy a property for a certain sum of money, and then put my life at risk, put my family’s life and  welfare at  risk,
endanger the future of my children  and also spend twice the sum I paid for  the property,  to defend  my ownership  of  the property, it is my
decision and my choice.  Would you say I am a good business person looking into the future or would you think I have mental health issues
or psychological challenge which may have prompted such decision?

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is also a mental illness – this disorder may be present in a person who always  feels the need to
double-check things, perform certain routines repeatedly. Common activities of OCD include hand washing, nail-biting, hair-pulling,
counting of things, double-checking to see if a door is locked and placing items in a particular order etc.

WIKIPEDIA says “Some people with OCD experience sexual obsessions that may involve intrusive thoughts or images of “kissing, touching,
fondling, oral sex, anal sex, intercourse, incest, and rape” with “strangers, acquaintances, parents, children, family members, friends,
coworkers, animals, and religious figures”, and can include “heterosexual or homosexual content” with persons of any age”.



You may need to see a Mental Health professional if you find any of the following signs: eating too much or too little, sleeping too much or too
little, separating from people or separating from usual activity, mood swings that cause problems in relationships, low energy, lack of
zeal/motivation, feeling helpless or hopeless, excessive smoking, drinking, or using drugs more than normal, anger, upset, fighting with
family and friends, yelling, feeling confused, persistent thoughts and memories you can’t get out of your head, hallucination, thoughts of
self-harm or harm to others, inability to perform daily tasks, kleptomania (stealing), compulsive gambling and many others.

Emotional and psychological tolerance for individuals differs. It is said that there is no art to read construction of the mind on the face.
People may appear happy, radiant/elated outwardly, but deep down they are going through psychological trauma.

The way you manage mental and psychological challenges is what makes the difference between you and others. Around the world today, people commit suicide for different mental, physical, psychological and emotional reasons. Persons who are bipolar, or have personality disorder, or have
self hurt or suicidal tendencies may hurt or kill themself.  It doesn’t matter whether they are rich or poor.

Many factors which may contribute to these problems include biological factors, life experiences (emotional trauma and abuse), and genetic
factors. In some countries there are free online courses targeted to enlighten people on tolerance, empathy, morals, awareness of different orientation for different people, compatibility test for intending or existing couples.

Apart from getting professional help, there are alternative help for Mental Health problems. You can connect with others, chose to stay
positive, get physically active through bodily exercise, meditation, spiritual counseling, whichever help you get, it is best you develop coping skills.

This piece is intended to awaken us to the dangers of ignoring our state of mental health or that of those around us. It is our collective
responsibility to look out and support one another.  You may find these contacts useful: CENTRE FOR MEDICAL HEALTH RESEARCH AND INITIATIVE @cemhri (on face book +234  807 399 0814) or call MENTAL HEALTH in PRMARY care Lagos, Nigeria, +234 906 223 5213.
Never give up on someone with mental health problem.

Byke Freeborn is a volunteer, entrepreneur and a grassroots humanitarian worker.

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