Toke Alex Ibru, the Executive Director, The Guardian Newspapers

Admin l Wednesday, July 25, 2018

LAGOS, Nigeria – Guardian Life, Nigeria’s leading print and online source for premium lifestyle and entertainment content, will be hosting its premiere event ’Celebrating Life’ on the 3rd of August 2018 at the Jasmine Hall, Eko Hotels and Suites Lagos.

In celebration of individuals who have greatly contributed to the lifestyle and entertainment industry in Nigeria over the years, and have graced the cover of Guardian Life Magazine, the upscale event will host “the industry’s notable players and organizations in an atmosphere primed for entertainment, experiences, and networking”.

According to Guardian Life Editor, Chidera Muoka, “Over the years, there have been individuals who have made immense contributions to the society, of which the impact will most certainly live beyond their years. As the nation’s leading and award-winning entertainment magazine, we owe them the obligation to celebrate them”.

The invite-only cocktail event will have side attractions such as a custom-made gallery of cover subjects and a great opportunity to network with leading individuals in the lifestyle and entertainment industry.

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