Jacob Zuma's son VUSI
Former South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma

Admin l Tuesday, February 06, 2018

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa – South African President, Jacob Zuma has postponed the proposed joint sitting of the National Assembly where he is scheduled to deliver state of the nation address to speak on burning national issues.

No date has been fixed for the joint sitting . In a statement, the African National Congress, ANC said it notes and respects the decision of the President of the Republic of South Africa in consultation with the Presiding Officers of Parliament to postpone the Joint Sitting of the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces; intended for the tabling of the State of the Nation Address.

“We understand that this decision was arrived at based on a shared understanding that there is a need to deliver this important address in a conducive political environment”, the ANC said in a statement signed by its National Spokesperson, Khusela Diko.
According to him, the ANC maintains its commitment to providing leadership to the Republic of South Africa in a manner that reinforces confidence in public institutions such as Parliament.

“It is for this reason that the ANC Caucus, represented by the Chief Whip, in the meeting of the Presiding Officers and all political parties, also motivated for the postponement of the scheduled Joint Sitting in light of the growing anxieties in the public domain”, the statement added. He restated that the ANC will convene its Special National Executive Committee (NEC) tomorrow, Wednesday, 7 February 2018 in Cape Town.

“The NEC will also reflect on this decision by the President and the Presiding Officers to postpone the State Of the Nation Address and provide direction on how the ANC will assist their efforts to create a conducive political environment as they intend”, he said.

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