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Herdsman wielding AK 47 riffle
Herdsman wielding AK 47 rifle

Admin I November 9, 2016

Zamfara, Nigeria – No fewer than 36 gold miners have been killed by gun men in Zamfara State.

The gunmen according to eye witness invaded the goldmine outside Bindin village in northern Zamfara with their motorcycles on Monday night and shot them in the tunnel.

In a statement condemning the attack, the Zamfara State Government described the attack as an “act of terrorism with a promise to investigate the incident.


However local residents have attributed the attack to the menace of cattle rustlers, whom they said have been terrorizing the axis.
“We have no doubt that the cattle thieves that have been terrorizing us were behind the attack. We buried 36 bodies of those killed in the attack today. For us it is a day of mourning,” Lawwali Usmanu, a resident told AFP.

However, a local chief said the gunmen entered the mine tunnels, and killed the gold miners after killing traders standing at the surface.

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