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Parents of the Chibok girls

Nigeria, April 15, 2016 – President Muhammadu Buhari has assured parents and relations of the kidnapped Chibok girls that he frequently reflects on their ordeal even as the 276 girls spend about 1,095 days in the hands of Boko Haram terrorists .

The girls were kidnapped from Government Secondary School, Chibok since April 14, 2014 but the President said he shares the pain of their continued absence from home.

On the second anniversary of the kidnap of the girls, President Buhari affirms that, as a parent and leader of the country, he understands the torment, frustration and anxiety of the parents and will not spare any effort to ensure the safe return of the girls.

The President expressed the continued to belief that with the total commitment of the Federal Government, Nigerian Armed Forces and security agencies, and the support of the international community, the girls will be eventually rescued.

President Buhari also noted that thousands of persons, mostly women and children, who were kidnapped by Boko Haram, have already been rescued and reunited with their families. He also said he shares the hope of the parents that the Chibok girls will ultimately be rescued and reunited with their families as well.


The President assured the parents that the Federal Government and security agencies will continue to explore all possible options for the safe return of the girls.

President Buhari therefore, urged the parents to continue to exercise patience and understanding as the government works diligently to ensure that the girls return home unharmed.

The President thanked all Nigerians, religious and civil organizations, and the international community for their continued sympathy, support and prayers for the return of the Chibok girls.

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