Governor Akinwunmi Ambode and Lagos State official during the inspection

December 21, 2015 – Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode has formally handed over the completed Ipaja-Ayobo and Ikotun-Ejigbo road to residents.

The Ipaja- Ayobo road, had been jinxed under the previous administration until July 2015, when Ambode visited the area and promised to complete the road before December ending.

He also unveiled plans to transform Ebute-Meta into a tourist haven by establishing a recreation park on the stretch of land overlooking the lagoon, adjacent to the Adekunle axis on the Third Mainland Bridge.

He, therefore, gave the auto mechanics under the bridge seven days ultimatum to vacate the site and remove all abandoned vehicles for the development project to commence in earnest. He said all things being equal, the project would be completed before the end of May in 2017 when Lagos State would be 50 years-old.

Ambode, who expressed dissatisfaction about the refusal of the mechanics to vacate the site despite repeated notice, said it was important for them to appreciate that the land was needed in the overall public interest.
He ordered traders in the area to move to the special site prepared for them in Agbowa by January 2016.

While at Ipaja where he inspected Ishefun-Ayetoro Road and assured residents that Alimosho would soon become the new Victoria Island.

“Three months ago, you will all recall that we came to this particular road and we promised the people of Mosan-Okunola that we will deliver the Ipaja -Ayobo Road before Christmas, and it is on the strength of that promise that we are here today. Thank God, we have seen to the completion of this road; it has street lights beginning from Ipaja Round About to the end.”

“As much as we have kept our promise and delivered even before the projected day, the residents should also maintain good use of this road and cooperate with the government as we extend development to this neighbourhood. I just want to assure the people of Alimosho axis that this government is right behind you and we would do everything possible to turn Alimosho to Victoria Island,” Governor Ambode said.

The Governor also formally commissioned the Ikotun-Ejigbo Road and assured residents that street lights would be installed on the road from Ikotun Roundabout to the Isolo Campus of Lagos Polytechnic within three months.

The Governor also inspected the on-going construction work in the popular Brown Street in Oshodi where he was briefed by Mr Baha, the project Manager for Lobrics Construction Company.

The Governor said that the project which commenced about six weeks ago, is now over 40 percent completed, just as he expressed optimism that the residents in the area would enjoy the benefits of the new road when completed.

After being briefed by the Executive Secretary of Oshodi Local Government Area, Adeola Olajobi Dawood on the challenges of the adjourning Igbehinadun and Inasa Streets, the Governor ordered the Public Works Corporation to rehabilitate both streets within the next seven days.

While charging the contractor to ensure the completion of Brown Street by the end of February 2016, the Governor also urged the residents to continue to cooperate with the contractor so as to deliver the projects within the stipulated time frame.

At the Oshodi Resettlement Market, Ambode ordered the Public Works Corporation to resurface the car park in the market in preparation for the reopening of the market.

Governor Ambode also advised the developer of the market to consider a rent-to-own modality for acquisition of the shops, saying that a monthly payment plan would prevent the shops from being hijacked by businessmen.

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