Uche Secondus Replaces Adamu Muazu as PDP Chairman

Chairman PDP, Alhaji Adamu Muazu

Godson Irikefe, Abuja

May 20, 2015 – Former Deputy Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP), Mr. Uche Secondus has assumed office as Chairman of the party, following resignation of Adamu Muazu who lead the party in a narrow loss to the All Progressive Congress(APC) in the April general election.

Publicity Secretary of the party,  Chief Olisa Metuh made the revelation while speaking to journalists in Abuja.  He said Secondus took charge following the vacuum created by resignation of Muazu.

“In line with the constitution, the  Deputy National Chairman, Prince Uche Secondus, has taken charge of the affairs of the party as acting national chairman of the party. The constitution does not recognise a vacuum.

“I can confirm that the chairman, who had health challenges, stayed on for the primaries, for the campaigns and the elections and after consultations with his family, and in his personal interest, he had decided to resign.

“This party commends him for his services to the party and for his love for the nation. We wish him well. We will not forget him”, he said.

Muazu’ letter of resignation was submitted to headquarters of the party in Abuja, on Wednesday.

Muazu has been fingered by members of the party to have worked for the APC during the last election but he in a interview attributed the loss of PDP to APC to hate campaign.


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