Fayose Needs Psychiatric Examination – Kwankwaso

Kano State Governor, Mr. Rabiu Kwankwaso

March 15, 2015 – Kano[wysija_form id=”1″] State Governor Dr.  Musa Rabiu Kwankwaso today attacked Ekiti State Governor Mr. Ayodele Fayose  over his recent attacks on Presidential Candidate of the All Progressive Congress(APC), General Muhammadu Buhari, saying he should be drafted to a psychiatric hospital for examination.

Kwankwaso who stormed Lagos in a bid to reunite the divided Arewa Community in the zone  condemned the virulent language being used to deride General Muhammadu Buhari and the Northern region adding that the North will reply  the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) in the March 28 presidential polls.

“When I had an opportunity to serve my National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)  I was sent to Ogun State to serve as a member of NYSC and I have always had this belief that  this part of the country parades array of people who are well cultured , respectful people ranging from , Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Chief Earnest Shonekan, chief Obasanjo, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, MKO Abiola among numerous others

” But anytime I listen to this young man , the governor of Ekiti State I feel terribly embarrassed as a governor and I feel bad for Yoruba people . This young man I don’t know what went wrong I used to know him even though I was not very closed to him, of course when I was first governor , he was not governor .

” He became governor after I left government House in 2003 but these days when I look at him I think many things are wrong with his words and even his mouth. And. Believe Fayose is only lucky because he is not from Kano, if he was from Kano I would have sent him to  Dawanu Psychiatric Hospital.

“So pressmen when you see Fayose tell him he should learn how to respect elders. Even those of us who are governor with him are his seniors. In this business of politics and all other businesses I think seniority should be respected.

” He has been talking about the age of Buhari I am not a medical doctor but I observe Buhari before the primaries went round all the states of the federation and after the primary elections he went to 35 out of 36 states of Nigeria and Kano four times  and I am sure he came to Lagos more than once within this short period of time what I believe is that Buhari is healthier than Jonathan.”

In his response, APC national leader  said he was surprise that the ruling party is afraid of election, blaming technology and processes that will make it credible.  Tinubu who  said Kwankwaso is a trusted man added that the  Arewa people are part and parcel of the Lagos government.

” Jonathan is afraid of conducting election. ‎Today March 28 if for election, only God can determine his calendar, man can change their manipulation, work of God cannot change.

” The Arewa has come to reality that we must work for the peace of this country, we are one .We must work together for the peace of this country. No Dollar can break us, no euro can divide us. We had enough of 16 years of lies, they packed our children in stadium, no food, you make them buy the uniform and yet unemployment, extorting from them, taking from the poor, we cannot continued that way‎.

“We are ready, at this time, we need change in leadership, we need change in vision. There is no permanent tenant in Aso rock. A villa is a house and any president is a tenant. God has bless and granted‎ him 6 years, we have bought him plenty shoes, many jacket, he has plenty cause he has change. So we cannot give him our vote.”


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1 Comment
  • What’s your own with Jonathan self,can’t you do without disturbing Nigerian peace.

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