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Armed Group Attack Israeli Synagogue, Kill Four

Israeli security forces rushing to scene of the attack

November 18, 2014 – Not less than four people were killed and eight others injured in Har Nof neighbourhood in West Jerusalem when two men armed with knives and a pistol attacked a synagogue.

They attacked the synagogue during prayers. Police source say the attackers who have been killed were Palestinians from East Jerusalem.

Spokesman of Israeli Police, Mr. Micky Rosenfeld said the area had been sealed off and that the injured – six worshippers and two policemen – were being treated in Jerusalem hospitals. Four are said to be in a serious condition.

It is not clear what the motive of the attackers were but Jerusalem has come under attack in recent times since Israel announced plans to build new settlement in the disputed West Bank.


“I tried to escape. The man with the knife approached me. There was a chair and table between us… my prayer shawl got caught. I left it there and escaped,” one of the Israelis told Channel 2 television.

Meanwhile Palestinian militant group Hamas has praised the attack.

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