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Ebola: 603 Die in Three West African Countries – WHO

Health officials in Africa dealing with the Ebola Virus

A patient infected with Ebola Virus on the stretcher
July 15, 2014 – The World Health Organisation (WHO) says 603 victims of Ebola Virus Disease(EVD) have died in three West African Countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia since the onset of the disease in the region. The EVD was first reported in the region in February.

According to WHO, 603 victims died between July 8th to 12th, 2014 out of the 964 cases discovered in the region.

“New cases and deaths attributable to EVD continue to be reported by the Ministries of Health in the three West African countries of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

“Between 8 – 12 July, 2014, 85 new cases of EVD, including 68 new deaths, were reported from the three countries as follows: Guinea, 6 new cases and 3 deaths; Liberia, 30 new cases with 13 deaths; and Sierra Leone 49 new cases and 52 deaths”, WHO said adding that the numbers include laboratory-confirmed, probable, and suspect cases and deaths of EVD.


“As of 12 July 2014, the cumulative number of cases attributed to EVD in the three countries stands at 964, including 603 deaths.

“The distribution and classification of the cases are as follows: Guinea, 406 cases (297 confirmed, 92 probable, and 17 suspected) and 304 deaths (198 confirmed, 92 probable, and 14 suspected); Liberia, 172 cases (70 confirmed, 41 probable, and 61 suspected) and 105 deaths (48 confirmed, 33 probable, and 24 suspected); and Sierra Leone, 386 cases (339 confirmed, 37 probable, and 10 suspected) and 194 deaths (151 confirmed, 38 probable, and 5 suspected)”, the organisation said in a statement.

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