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Farmers on war path over N113 million alleged fraud for 25,000 broilers 

Africasagricpreneur in N113 million broiler scam
Judith Okoli, a Nurse-Agropreneur and CEO of Nderafoods(left) and Elon Ezeh, better known in the social media cycle as Africasagripreneur, who run Urban Farm in Ibadan, Oyo State (left) accused of N113 million fraud for 25,000 broilers


Emmanuel Ukudolo I Tuesday, May 21, 2024


IKEJA, Lagos, Nigeria – Two like minded farmers are at war over a soured business deal.  Judith Okoli,  a Nurse-Agropreneur and CEO of Nderafoods is boiling over her investment of N113 million for N25,000 broilers in an urban farm, promoted as an insured Agro-investment company operated by  Elon Ezeh, better known in the social media cycle as Africasagripreneur. 

Elon Ezeh, who  goes live regularly on social media  described herself as a broiler farmer in Lagos and Ibadan/Poultry Coach, with attestation that she sold 500,000 broilers in one year and has trained 1,000 broiler farmers.  

Elon Ezeh operates the investment company with Muyiwa Afolabi, a well known agripreneur in Ibadan, Oyo State. 

“They have ripped me off over N113 million of my investment funds. I have done everything to recover my funds but nothing is working. This lady cares less and feels untouchable.  I am exhausted and I have come to the realisation that she is a notorious scammer and unrepentant sociopath that has ripped off millions from hundreds of hardworking Nigerians. 

“She uses different enticing patterns and online personas, like many others, I fell victim … I am helpless, help me ask @africasagripreneur where is my N113 million, where is the money I invested in your company for 25,000 broilers, also if she has done this to you, I encourage you to speak up so that together we can end her menace online because she has done this to a lot of people, we cannot just allow her to traumatise people with her deceit. I have tried everything legally, at this point I am exhausted”, she pleaded.   

Judith Okoli who considers herself  a drama-free person said the situation has gone beyond  her control, noting that the lady in question feels invincible.

“I have always been into egg production, and less than 2 years ago, I got interested in meat production. I invested a whole lot of money in 25,000 broilers and she didn’t stop there; she also went further to manipulate me into loaning her an extra 5M(five million) and a truck load of goods worth millions, using bogus claims, which I will be detailing in my next video”, she further alleged. 

“I have spent the last 14 months doing everything I can to recover my funds, but this duo has proven difficult and do not care about the harm and pain they are causing to me and other hardworking Nigerians like @elitesagro whom she ripped off almost 60 million”, she alleged. 

According to Judith Okoli, the lady in question started this particular alias account @africasagropreneur not so long ago, where she is now claiming to be an insured expert agro investor and pro-agro educator as she continues with her deceitful and fraudulent operations.

“If you try to speak up, she either restricts or blocks you.She has recently tried everything to intimidate and silence me for trying to speak up”, she explained.

“I have been trying to stay strong because this has affected me mentally.Thanks to my family and friends for their support, and also to you, Mr. Muyiwa,CEO of @elitesagro , who has been encouraging me to stay strong while together we fight to retrieve our funds. Me and many others she’s done this to, are all in need of your help at this point”, Okoli added. 

She alleged that not so long ago this same lady ran from the east(Owerri) to Ibadan where she found cover and has continued her fraudulent operations.

“Please if she has done the same to you, especially all the hundreds of people she did this to from ‘SAVE AM’ (@saveam_ng ), her previous scam Alias which she carried out in Eastern Nigeria, where she couldn’t account for an alleged sum of over $150 million from investors contributions after promising them enticing ROIs.We all need to speak up.


“N/B: Everything I have said I have 100% proof. This is not a false allegation of any sort, and I will continue to speak up for myself and others. I will also make more videos detailing how she carried out her scheme on me and others so that no farmer or individual will go through this pain ever again”, she said.

We reached out to Elon Ezeh for reactions via her social media handle with our inquiry. She only inquired if our reporter was contracted to do the story. Nevertheless, she promised to send her reaction through her lawyer. 

However, at the time of publishing the story at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, she was yet to get across to us through her lawyer. We will publish her reaction as soon as it is received. 

See our conversation with her below:

 Good morning Madam.  There’s a lady accusing you of scamming her 113 million for 25,000 broilers. Pls what happened? I am Emmanuel Ukudolo, a journalists working for starconnectmedia.com. Please reach me at [email protected].

Elon Ezeh: KK my barrister, I do so thanks for reaching out.

We continued the conversation:

Reporter:  “Thanks Madam. I want you to react to allegations that you scammed her. I am working on the story”.

Ezeh:  Let me understand. You were  contracted to write on the story!

Reporter: I was not. I do citizen journalism and when people who feel they were offended in business dealings cry out in the public space, it is the duty of journalism to rise up to the rescue. I don’t know  Judith Okolie, but as a professional, it is my duty to get all sides to the story I am doing. It is called  fair hearing. Hence I am doing this. It is an opportunity for you to tell your side of the story madam. She is defaming your name and your business online. You have to react to this. Thanks as I await your reactions to balance up my story. 

Ezeh: I will speak to my barrister, I will reach out to you as soon as possible.

Reporter: No problem. Please react through my email [email protected].

Ezeh: Kk.


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