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President Vladimir Putin of Russia and President Bashar Al-Assad of Syria

Admin l Monday, April 09, 2018

PENTAGON, U.S – The United States of America is looking into the possibility of striking President Bashar AL-Assad of Syria following reports that he used chemical weapons on his people leading to death of hundreds. In Washington, President Donald Trump said the decision on Assad will be made by generals on Monday evening.

The US made the revelation as President Vladimir Putin of Russia has dismissed insinuation that what was used was chemical weapons, stressing that the reports were unverified and called for an independent investigation. Mattis gave the hints in his remarks at an Enhanced Honor Cordon Welcoming Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani, Emir of Qatar, to the Pentagon.

Mattis who was responding to questions posed by journalists about the U.S. capability of striking Assad’s chemical weapons facilities, said, “Now, the first thing we have to look at is why are chemical weapons still being used at all, when Russia was the framework guarantor of removing all the chemical weapons. And so, working with our allies and partners, from NATO, to Qatar and elsewhere, we are going to address this issue”, he said.

On the question, Can you rule out taking actions, launching airstrikes against Assad, Mr. Secretary? Secretary Mattis said, “I don’t rule out anything right now”.

On the visit of the Emir of Qatar, he said the strategic dialogue served as an expression of long-standing relationship with Qatar, and that both countries see a valued military partner and a longtime friend in the region.


“I look forward to building on that momentum here today, as we discuss the opportunities for deepening our cooperation for the future. So I do want to highlight Qatar’s longstanding support of America’s commitment to regional security, to include information sharing and counterterrorism efforts’, he said.

In his response, the Emir of Qatar said his country is proud of the new partnership.

“We’re very proud of it, and we had a very successful strategic dialogue a few months ago between both ministers from secretary — you, sir, and also secretary of State, and, from our side, secretary — minister of foreign affairs and also minister of defense. So it was a very successful meeting.

“As we are all happy and proud that our relationship is expanding and getting even closer and closer, we are working very closely with each other, especially countering terrorism. We host more than 10,000 of your men and women in — in Qatar, and work side-by-side in countering terrorism. And we’re looking also forward on ways how to expand this relationship”, he said.

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