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Tag: Allianz Africa

Allianz Africa hails Allianz Technology on the continent

Present in Africa for more than 100 years, Allianz, one of the

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Allianz Africa offers MBA scholarships for African actors in sustainable development

Allianz Africa's commitment to the development of the continent takes a new

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Allianz Africa announces top appointments for Kenya and Senegal

Allianz Africa has made leadership announcements for its operational entities in Kenya

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Allianz Africa honors Ilwad Elman, leading voice in Somali peace process

Coenraad Vrolijk, Regional CEO represented Allianz Africa at the award ceremonyIlwad Elman

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African Insurance Pulse: Allianz tells success story of digitisation

African Insurance Organisation tells insurance organisations to simplify, digitize and reap benefits

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