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Remi Lucidi, the flamboyant stuntman dies at 30

Enigman Remi
Remi Lucidi on top a high rise building

Admin I Monday, July 31, 2023


HONG KONG – Enigmatic stuntman, Remi Lucidi, who is known for jumping across high rise building has passed on. He died after falling from Tregunter Tower complex, a 68 storey building in Hong Kong. He was 30 years old.

According to South China Morning Post, Remi Lucidi died last Thursday at 6pm shorty after his arrival.  He is said to have taken the elevator to the 49th floor and thereafter took the stairs to the 68th floor where he hoped to exhibit his usual skill.

The Hong Kong police reported that Lucidi known online as Remi Enigman, was last seen alive around 7:40 p.m. when he tapped on the exterior of a penthouse window, which prompted a maid in the residence to call the police.

Lucidi’s camera was reportedly found at the scene, containing footage of his other stunts. He last posted on Instagram last week that he was in Hong Kong.


Gurjit Kaur, the owner of the hostel described Lucidi as a “friendly and humble guy”.
“He was healthy and fit and happy-faced,” Kaur told the newspaper, adding. “I feel very sad.”

A worker at the hostel claimed that he had spoken with Lucidi several times before his death and he had told him the man was visiting Hong Kong on holiday.

“He told me he was going to hike a mountain when I asked where he was going. He said he wanted to hike a lot when he was here,” said the worker.


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