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Coronavirus in Nigeria: 27, 564 as global cases surpass 11 million, see table

Coronavirus cases cross 11 million globally
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Admin l Saturday, July 04, 2020

LAGOS, Nigeria -The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has confirmed 454 new cases of the pandemic, bringing the total number of the Coronavirus in Nigeria to 27, 564.

Out of the 27, 564 cases, 11,069 patients have recovered and subsequently discharged, while 628 others could not make it alive.

COVID-19 Distribution table, courtesy, NCDC

However, a breakdown of the 454 new cases revealed that 87 new cases were found in Lagos, 63 in Edo, 60 in Abuja, 41 in Ondo, 32 in Benue, 31 in Abia,  29 in Ogun, 19 in Oyo, 17 in Kaduna, 16 in Delta, 15 in Enugu, 14 in Borno, 9 in Plateau, 8 in Nasarawa, 5 in Kano, 4 in Bauchi, 2 in Gombe, 1 in Katsina and 1 in Kogi”, making a total of 454 new cases of Coronavirus in Nigeria.

“NCDC@NCDCgov454 new cases of #COVID19Nigeria; Lagos-87, Edo-63, FCT-60, Ondo-41, Benue-32, Abia-31, Ogun-29, Oyo-19, Kaduna-17, Delta-16, Enugu-15, Borno-14, Plateau-9, Nasarawa-8, Kano-5, Bauchi-4, Gombe-2, Katsina-1, Kogi-1: 27,564 confirmed; 11,069 discharged; 628 death” the NCDC said in a statement.

Globally, there are now 11, 031, 905 confirmed cases, while 523,777 others could not make it alive based on the latest statistics from the Centre for Systems Science and Engineering, John Hopkins University, Maryland.



According to the centre, the United States still remains in the lead among nations most affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, reporting 2,788, 395 cases, while 129,306 patients have been killed by the pandemic; 56, 456 new cases with 663 deaths, followed by Brazil which has documented 1,539, 081 cases, while 61,884 patients have passed on; 42,223 new cases, but not record of new death.

Russia, which is the most affected country in Europe has documented 666, 941 cases, while 9,844 patients have passed on, followed by India, which has reported 625, 544 cases, while 18, 213 patients have been killed by the Coronavirus pandemic; 20,903 new cases and 379 deaths.

Next is  Peru, which has documented 295, 599 cases with 10, 226 deaths, followed by Chile with 288,089 cases with 6,051 deaths, followed by the United Kingdom, which has suffered the highest number of casualty in Europe.

The U.K. has reported 285, 787 confirmed cases, while 44, 216 patients have been killed by the pandemic; 84,284  new cases and 136 new deaths in the last 24 hours.

Spain is next, reporting 250, 545 confirmed cases while 28, 385 patients could not come out alive, followed by Italy with 241, 184 confirmed cases with 34, 833 deaths and then China, where the pandemic was first  reported.

China currently has 84, 835 confirmed cases, 4,641 deaths, while 79, 670 patients have recovered and therefore discharged, leaving China with 524 cases but no deaths.

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