Coronavirus: 22, 333 active in Nigeria; 1,929 in China, see cases in top 10

Coronavirus on the rise again in China
Delta youths celebrate great works of their governor, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa for his zeal in battling COVID-19 in Delta State


  • U.S: 2, 862, 084
  • Brazil: 493, 890
  • India: 509, 447
  • Russia: 194, 655
  • U.K: 255,574
  • SA: 165, 659

Admin l Wednesday, July 29, 2020

LAGOS, Nigeria -The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control(NCDC) has confirmed 404 new cases of Coronavirus in Nigeria, bringing the total number to 42,208 confirmed cases.

Out of the 42,208 confirmed cases, 19,004 patients have been discharged, while 873 others have kicked the bucket, leaving Nigeria with 22, 331 active cases of the pandemic.

Distribution of Coronavirus in Nigeria according to states

Breakdown of the new cases is as follows, Lagos-106, FCT-54, Rivers-48, Plateau-40, Edo-29, Enugu-21, Oyo-20, Kano-18, Ondo-15, Ogun-10, Ebonyi-9, Ekiti-8, Kaduna-6, Cross River-5, Kwara- 4, Anambra-3,Delta-3, Imo-2, Nasarawa-2, Borno-1, making a total of 404 new cases of Coronavirus in Nigeria.


“NCDC @NCDCgov 404 new cases of #COVID19Nigeria; Lagos-106, FCT-54, Rivers-48, Plateau-40, Edo-29, Enugu-21, Oyo-20, Kano-18, Ondo-15, Ogun-10, Ebonyi-9, Ekiti-8, Kaduna-6, Cross River-5, Kwara- 4, Anambra-3,Delta-3, Imo-2, Nasarawa-2, Borno-1; 42,208 confirmed; 19,004 discharged; 873 deaths”, NCDC said in a statement.

But globally, there are now 16, 849, 365 confirmed cases,  662, 648 deaths, while 9, 871, 808 others have recovered, the Centre for Systems Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland has reported.

According to the centre, the United States remains on top as the most affected country, reporting 4, 401, 599 confirmed cases, 150, 090 deaths, while 1, 389,425 others have recovered, leaving the U.S with 2, 862, 084 active cases of the pandemic, followed by Brazil, which has documented 2, 483, 191 cases,  88, 539 deaths, while 1, 900,762 patients have recovered, leaving Brazil with 493, 890 active cases of the virus.

India is the next country most affected by the pandemic. It has documented 1, 531, 669 confirmed cases,  34, 193 deaths, while 988, 029 patients have recovered, leaving India with 509, 447 active cases of the pandemic, followed by Russia with  827, 509 confirmed cases, 13, 650 deaths, while 619, 204 patients have recovered, leaving Russia with 194, 655 active cases of Coronavirus.

South Africa is currently the 5th most affected country in the world, reporting 471, 123 confirmed cases, 7, 497 deaths, while 297, 967 patients have recovered, leaving South Africa(SA) with 165, 659  active cases of the pandemic, followed by  Mexico(6th) with 402, 697 confirmed cases, 44, 876 deaths, while 308, 142 patients have recovered, leaving Mexico with 49,679 active cases of the pandemic, followed by Peru with 395, 005 confirmed cases, 18, 612 deaths, while 276, 452 patients have been discharged, leaving Peru with 99, 941 active cases of the pandemic.

Chile is next in the 8th spot with 351, 575 confirmed cases,  9, 278 deaths, while 324,557 patients have recovered, leaving Chile with 17, 740 active cases, followed by the United Kingdom, which has documented  303, 058 confirmed cases,   46, 046 deaths, while only 1, 438 patients have recovered, leaving the state with 255,574 active cases of the pandemic . The U.K remains the worst country in Europe in terms of  management of the virus. It currently has the highest casualty and the least rate of recovery in Europe.

Iran is next in the 10th spot with  298, 909 confirmed cases, 16, 343 deaths, while 259, 116 patients have recovered, leaving Iran with 23, 445 active cases, followed by Spain(11th) with 282, 641 confirmed cases, 28, 441 deaths, while 150, 376 others have recovered, leaving Spain with 103, 824 active cases, followed by Italy(15) with 246, 776 confirmed cases, 35,129 deaths, while 199,031 patients have recovered, leaving Italy with 12, 616 active cases and then China, where the pandemic was first reported,  China has documented 87, 108 confirmed cases, 4, 658 deaths, while 80, 521 others have recovered, leaving China with 1,929 active cases, up by 204 cases in the last 24 hours.

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