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Public Relations and Measurement experts to discuss PR Evaluation

Experts meet for PR Evaluation
#Evaluate PR

Admin l Wednesday, June 17, 2020

LAGOS, Nigeria – With the recent development in the media space in relation to the global pandemic caused by the spread of coronavirus, the earlier canceled #EvaluatePR session has been rescheduled to hold on 19th June 2020.

P+ Measurement services borne with the responsibility to educate and enlighten PR and measurement stakeholders has invited a couple of Communications and Measurement professionals around the globe to her 15th Edition of #EvaluatePR event.

The event themed “Measurement and Evaluation in today’s PR world“, allows the engagement of experts in the PR, Communications, and Measurement Industry in a Question & Answer session, to share their experiences, advice, insights and quotes on Measurement and Evaluation.


The event will be featuring: Biju D. Vincent, Media Monitoring & Intelligence, CEO at DigiMent Research from Delaware in the United States of America; and Seye Olurotimi, Marketing Communications/ Lead Consultant at CedarTribe from Lagos, Nigeria.

The one-hour event holding between 2pm – 3pm NG is scheduled to take place, Friday, 19th June 2020. Use the Zoom app link; https://us04web.zoom.us/meeting/register/upItceuqqjMiGtE70UoWl6ZDLUeHBQsVhMm8 for registration and details of the #EvaluatePR Zoom meeting.

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