Coronavirus: Nigeria 3,145 cases, 103 deaths as virus claims 30, 150 in UK

UK leads Europe in Coronavirus deaths
Prime Minister of UK, Boris Johnson

Admin l Thursday, May 07, 2020

LAGOS, Nigeria – The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control(NCDC) has confirmed 195 new cases of Coronavirus in the country, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in Nigeria to 3, 145.

So far, out of the 3, 145 confirmed cases in Nigeria, 534 patients have recovered and subsequently discharged while 103 patients have died.

However, out of the 195 new cases, 82 patients were confirmed in Lagos, 30 in Kano, 19 in Zamfara, 18 in Sokoto, 10 in Borno, 9 in Abuja, 8 in Oyo, 5 in Kebbi, 5 in Gombe, 4 in Ogun, 3 in Katsina, 1 in Kaduna and 1 in Adamawa, the NCDC has said.

“NCDC @NCDCgov195 new cases of #COVID19; 82-Lagos 30-Kano 19-Zamfara 18-Sokoto 10-Borno 9-FCT 8-Oyo 5-Kebbi 5-Gombe 4-Ogun 3-Katsina 1-Kaduna 1-Adamawa 3145 confirmed cases of #COVID19 in Nigeria Discharged: 534 Deaths: 103”, the NCDC said in a statement.

Meanwhile, there are now 3, 744, 585 confirmed cases of Coronavirus globally while 263, 068 patients have died, based on statistics from the Centre for Systems Science and Engineering, John Hopkins University, Maryland.


According to the centre, the United States still takes the lead among the most affected countries in terms of population affected and the number of death.

The United States has reported 1, 223, 468 confirmed cases with 73, 039 deaths, followed by Spain, which now has 220, 335 confirmed cases of Coronavirus with 25, 857 deaths. Next is Italy with 214, 457 confirmed cases of the pandemic with 29, 684 deaths.

The United Kingdom has emerged as the most affected country in terms of deaths in Europe, reporting 30, 150 deaths, while 202, 356 cases of Coronavirus have been confirmed.

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