Baru to highlight Nigeria’s deep water potentials at 50th Offshore Confab in Houston

Group Managing Director of the NNPC, Dr. Maikanti Baru

Admin l Monday, May 06, 2019

ABUJA, Nigeria – The Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Dr. Maikanti Baru, will tomorrow (Tuesday) address foreign investors at the 50th edition of the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, United States.

Baru, who will speak on the topic “Deepwater Operations in Nigeria: The Journey so Far” is expected to address participants on the different phases of deepwater developments, the place of Nigeria in global deepwater operations as well as capacity growth in the local industry for deepwater operations.

The NNPC helmsman will also highlight NNPC’s desire to continue to support and provide opportunities for qualified Nigerian companies within the nation’s burgeoning deepwater space. 

Speaking on the conference, Chairman, OTC Board of Directors, Wafik Beydoun, said this year’s OTC would celebrate deep commitment to the people and companies who have helped the conference reached its 50th anniversary milestone, which made this year’s edition extra special. 

The first OTC was conducted in May 1969 in Houston, with just 2,797 attendees, 112 papers presented, and 368 exhibiting companies. Since then, the conference has been held in Houston each year, with over 60,000 participants from over 100 companies attending and about 400 technical papers set to be delivered in the conference this year.

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