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Esther Abimbola Ajayi donates N10 million to ailing comic actor, Baba Suwe

Babatunde Omidina alias Baba Suwe

Admin l Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019

LAGOS, Nigeria – Veteran comic actor, Babatunde Omidina better known as Baba Suwe who has been down with diabetes related ailment has been given another boost in terms of financial donation towards taking care of her medical bills.

Comic actor, Baba Suwe and Esther Abimbola Ajayi

The actor who was admitted last week into the Lagos University Teaching Hospital(LUTH) shortly after he received donation of N1 million from Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has received another donation, this time, the exact estimate he would need to take care of his medical bills.

The donation in the sum of N10 million came from Reverand Mother Esther Abibola Ajayi, a woman minister who has been in public glare in recent times after her church became a Mecca of sort for those seeking political office.


She was visited by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo and the Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP), Alhaji Atiku Abubakar all seeking her blessing to win the 2019 presidential election.

Since Baba Suwe fell ill, his home in Ikorodu became a beehive of activities as fellow actors paid regular visit to wish him well with many appealing to the public for donation so that he can be on his feet once more.

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