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Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of Air Peace, Chief Allen Onyema displays an award won by the airline

Commends FG for helping local airlines benefit from BASA

Nigeria, Sept. 01,2016 – Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of Air Peace, Chief Allen Onyema has flayed foreign airlines for quitting the country in its moment of need, saying they are “fair-weather friends.”

In a related development, the Air Peace boss commended the Federal Government for assisting local airlines to benefit from the Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA).

Urging foreign airlines to show understanding and support the Federal Government to deliver on its change agenda, Onyema regretted: “Just only one issue, fuel and forex, they (foreign airlines) are all scampering out of the country. If we are going through certain problems here, they should show understanding. They have got their fair share from the country. Now is the time for them to help the country and they are running away from the country. Nigeria has been their best route ever. These foreign airlines are fair-weather friends. They should remember that Nigeria didn’t deliberately refuse to give them the dollar equivalent of their money. This country is undergoing change and they should be patient with the country.”

He commended the Minister of State for Aviation, Senator Hadi Sirika for being proactive and assisting the nation’s airlines to overcome their challenges of operating both local and international flights.

His words: “The Federal Government recently granted domestic carriers the approval to start international operations. It is the first time a Nigerian government would give international designation permits of that magnitude to indigenous carriers. It shows the government’s resolve to re-position the fortunes of the nation’s local airlines. This is a step in the right direction.

“The government has also waived import duties and value-added tax (VAT) on imported commercial aircraft spares and commercial aircraft. This waiver would go a long way in alleviating the inhibitive cost of scheduled flight operations being experienced by our local carriers. We thank President Muhammadu Buhari for giving a listening ear to our hue and cry.”


Onyema also advised local airlines to conduct their affairs with integrity and collaborate with the Federal Government in seeking solutions to the operational challenges they face.

He regretted that some local airlines had failed to honour their agreements with foreign companies in the past, making it difficult for the latter to do business with them.

“The Minister of State for Aviation, Senator Hadi Sirika recently held meetings with us and he has been proactive. That’s why at times when you don’t know people you criticise them. How many of our colleagues who are saying the minister did this and that have bothered to go to him to know what the challenges are? Go to him and say ‘this is what we are facing.’ Instead, what we do is badmouthing each other. I am a witness to what the minister could do. When we had challenge with the issue of spares, immediately he acted. When we needed to get international designation, immediately he acted. He saw reasons Nigerian airlines should be empowered to go international. The same thing he did with the Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA). He wants the airlines to do well, but we also must help to make sure the airlines do well,”he said.

He added: “What I ask people in the industry to do is to first of all show integrity, so that if anybody wants to come into this industry, the person can come relying on the resources of the banks to operate, because you can’t really do this business alone without some level of financing from the outside. You need it. It is like that all over the world.

“Some airlines are creating image problem for this country. And that is the truth. It’s not just people talking about government. The airlines themselves are creating problems for Nigeria and that should stop. They should live up to their billing and do things that will continue to polish the image of the country.”

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