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Gaza offensive: When will power drunk Netanyahu pull the breaks?

When will the blood letting stop
Bloody israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Nethanyahu


The Palestinian Resistance Movement, Hamas, has introduced a chilling dynamic into the conflict. Their order to executioner guards to kill the hostages in their custody if they detect Israeli forces nearby heightens the stakes dramatically. Time is of the essence, yet Netanyahu remains impervious to the plea for reason, instead doubling down on the bloodshed.



Emmanuel Thomas I Tuesday, September 03, 2024


GAZA, Palestine – The ongoing conflict in Gaza, Palestine, erupting with fatal fury, has spurred a cascade of consequences, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

The decision to launch a tri-force invasion of Gaza, ordered by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, has resulted in a grim toll.

In a matter of weeks, over 41,000 innocent civilians have perished under the onslaught, nearly half of them being children. The sheer scale of civilian casualties stands as a damning indictment of the disproportionate nature of this conflict.

The destruction extends beyond the loss of lives. The Housing, Land, and Property Technical Working Group estimates that approximately 370,000 housing units in Gaza have sustained damage, with infrastructure, hospitals, and schools bearing the brunt of the assault. The cost of this damage rises to a staggering $18.5 billion, a figure that underscores the extent of the devastation.

The humanitarian crisis is equally, if not more, distressing. The UN reports that a staggering 1.9 million individuals have been internally displaced, some repeatedly so. Starvation becomes an increasing reality, with dozens of helpless children dying of starvation and malnutrition; some others will follow in a matter of days. To make matters worse, a polio outbreak further jeopardizes the health and well-being of Gaza’s residents.


The assault on Gaza has provoked a response from Hezbollah rockets launched from Lebanon, inducing a constant state of fear among Israelis. The cycle of violence spirals ever downward, leaving civilians on both sides vulnerable and traumatized.

Netanyahu’s operation has also faced mounting international scrutiny, centered on the alarming civilian casualties and the devastation of essential infrastructure. The international community’s patience wears thin as the offensive continues unabated, prompting widespread protests and a chorus of demands for a ceasefire agreement.

The Palestinian Resistance Movement, Hamas, has introduced a chilling dynamic into the conflict. Their order to executioner guards to kill the hostages in their custody if they detect Israeli forces nearby heightens the stakes dramatically. Time is of the essence, yet Netanyahu remains impervious to the plea for reason, instead doubling down on the bloodshed.

The Prime Minister’s tenacious pursuit of this violent campaign, seemingly immune to international outcry, raises pertinent questions about the motivations behind the continued assault. The operation, despite its devastating consequences, appears to be veering into a directionless venture, leaving a trail of destruction in its path.

The global community’s unified call for a ceasefire and a peaceful resolution seems to fall on deaf ears as Netanyahu presses on regardless. The undeniable suffering of innocent civilians at the hands of his military offensive remains a stark reality, yet the prospect of a cessation of hostilities appears distant.

The Gaza conflict, instigated by Netanyahu, following the October 7 invasion by Hamas that led to the slaughter of 1,200 Israelis, demands an immediate reevaluation.

The breaking point between asserting dominance and relinquishing reason has long been crossed, making way for a humanitarian crisis of epidemic proportions.

The question remains: When will Netanyahu finally apply the brakes on this devastating conflict, acknowledging the plea for peace from a world weary of conflict?

Perhaps, only then can the path towards true security and stability be embarked upon.

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