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Who will stop Netanyahu, the Hitler of our time?

Who will stop Netanyahu
Collage of Late German despot, Adolf Hitler and his modern counterpart, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu


Netanyahu’s fascism must be met with a united global front, a cohesive tapestry of sanctions, embargoes, and international ostracism. The time has come for a decisive stand against this century’s most heinous perpetrator of genocide. The echoes of history beg us to learn from past mistakes and halt the Israeli Prime Minister’s diabolical ambitions


Emmanuel Thomas I Monday, August 12, 2024


WEST BANK, Palestine – In the depths of history’s darkest moments, a new guise of evil emerges, shrouding the world in terror and despair. In our contemporary landscape, we witness the rise of a modern-day Tyrant, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, whose nefarious actions have earned him the moniker of the ‘Hitler of our Time.’

Since his ascent to power, Netanyahu has orchestrated a systematic campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing, turning the Gaza Strip into a killing field. The casual dismissal of human life in pursuit of his genocidal vision is beyond comprehension, with over 40,000  innocent souls, almost half children perishing at the hands of his regime. It’s a grim tally that continues to rise with each passing day.

The Israeli leader’s contempt for humanity extends beyond borders, as his aggressive expansionist policies foment tension and instability throughout the region. His relentless quest for power knows no bounds, leaving a trail of destruction and devastation in its wake. Netanyahu’s Israel has become a pariah state, a place where international laws and human rights are systematically flouted.


The parallels between Netanyahu and Hitler’s regimes are striking. Both leaders embraced ethnic supremacy, orchestrating meticulously planned massacres of innocent civilians. Netanyahu’s Gaza bombings and Hitler’s devastating blitzkriegs share a common thread of state-sanctioned terrorism. The deliberate targeting of schools, hospitals, and civilian areas evokes the darkest chapters of World War II, where Nazi terror reignited.

Netanyahu’s disdain for the written word and intellectualism mirrors Hitler’s notorious burning of books. The suppression of free speech and the muzzling of dissent within Israel today echoes the fascistic control over information that characterized Nazi Germany. The systematic persecution of Palestinians resembles the Nazi Holocaust, a grim reminder of the horrors inflicted on the Jewish community during World War II.

The international community’s initial hesitation to confront Netanyahu head-on bears eerie similarities to the appeasement attempts towards Hitler in the years leading up to World War II. History has proven that negotiations and half-measures cannot deter a leader driven by fanaticism and a lust for dominance. Apathy towards Netanyahu’s crimes against humanity perpetuates a cycle of violence and suffering among the Palestinian people.

However, there’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon. Growing global movements are standing up to denounce Netanyahu’s reign of terror. Comparisons to Hitler, once dismissed as hyperbolic, are now resonating with an increasing number of world leaders and human rights advocates. The tide is turning as the truth emerges, and the world can no longer afford to ignore the evident parallels.

Netanyahu’s fascism must be met with a united global front, a cohesive tapestry of sanctions, embargoes, and international ostracism. The time has come for a decisive stand against this century’s most heinous perpetrator of genocide. The echoes of history beg us to learn from past mistakes and halt the Israeli Prime Minister’s diabolical ambitions.

The parallels between Netanyahu and Hitler’s legacies are impossible to ignore. The world must awaken to the impending peril and act decisively. The question remains: will we allow history to repeat itself, or will we finally put a stop to the Hitler of our time? The choice is ours, and the clock is ticking.

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