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America steps up arms build up in Middle East as Iran prepares to attack Israel

American destroyer


Admin I Saturday, August 03, 2024


GAZA – The United States of America is horridly piling up arms in strategic places in the Middle East as Iran prepares to attack Israel in retaliation for assassinating the Political Bureau Chief of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, while he was asleep in his room.

Ismail Haniyeh was in Tehran for the inauguration of the newly elected President of Iran, Masoud Pezeshkian.

Iran believes Haniyeh was assassinated with the help of the Americans.

Minister of Intelligence in Iran, Esmaeil Khatib is reported to have said that the Zionist regime’s assassination of Haniyeh happened with the US green light.

Recall that the Iranians through their proxies have in past threatened to attack U.S bases if it assists Israel in any attack on Iran.

As tension build up between Iran and Israel, the U.S is leaving no stone unturned in the quest to defend its bases and allies in the region.


To this end, the Pentagon has approved a significant buildup of US forces in the Middle East with the Secretary of Defense ordering the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group to replace the USS Theodore Roosevelt, currently in the Gulf of Oman.

The Pentagon also okayed an additional fighter squadron to the Middle East, ballistic missile defense-capable cruisers and destroyers to the Mediterranean and Gulf regions.

It also ordered a step to ready deployment of additional land-based ballistic missile defenses.

An American B-2 strategic bomber has been deployed to Qatar.

In addition, International Coalition cargo planes are on the way to the Kharab al-Jir airbase in the Rmelan countryside north of Al-Hasakah.

The cargo planes according to sources are carrying military equipment, air-defence batteries, military and logistic equipment and US soldiers.

This is besides US helicopters and drones already hovering over the region.

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