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Ahmadiyya Nigeria Demands Enquiry Into Killing of Three Members, Infant In Gujranwala

The violence in Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan
The violence in Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan
The violence in Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan

August 12, 2014 – The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Nigeria has demanded for an urgent enquiry into the killing of three Ahmadiyya female members including an eight month old infant in arson attack in Gujranwala, Punjab ,Pakistan on the last day of Ramadan.

The Islamic community also called for due punishment of the culprits to serve as deterrent to others.

According to the spokesman of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community ,Saleemuddin, eight homes and four shops were also looted and gutted by mob in the presence of the police.

“The victims were Mrs Bushra Bibi and her two grand- daughters aged seven and an eight months old baby . Furthermore , Mrs. Mubashara Bibi, who was seven months pregnant suffered miscarriage.Eight others, mostly women and children are being treated for burns.

“Those who met their untimely death were killed when extremists set fire to Ahmadi homes in Gujranwala whilst local police stood by and watched”, the group said in a statement adding that Anti-Ahmadi extremists attacked Ahmadi homes on the false pretext that an Ahmadi youth had defaced a picture of the Sacred Mosque in Makkah on Facebook.


“The violent mob attacked Ahmadi homes and shops, ransacked and looted them, and set them on fire. Nearly half of the homes in this neighborhood were gutted. Fire brigade and ambulances were denied access to rescue the victims”, the group said.

Gujranwala is the city where more Ahmadis Muslims were concentrated in Pakistan where more people were killed in anti-Ahmadi riots in 1974. Over 244 Ahmadiyya Muslims have been killed , out which nine occurred this year in over 30 years of state sponsored persecution .

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