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Yemeni minister to Israel: We are serious about supporting Palestine, responding to your aggression

Israel’s economic losses
Prime Minister of Palestine, Benjamin Netanyahu


Admin I Monday, Sept. 16, 2024

YEMEN – Yemeni Minister of Information, Hashem Sharaf Al-Din has said that the Yemen is serious about supporting the people of Palestine and responding to aggression against Palestine.

In a statement he said
Yemen targets the heart of the enemy to confirm that the entity is not immune.

“The Yemeni Armed Forces are developing their capabilities based on the field realities and through continuous confrontation with the coalition of aggression”, he said, adding that Yemen has managed to develop its military capabilities in various fields, and that its missiles now hit moving maritime targets.

“There are additional qualitative weapons that will be used at the appropriate time”, he warned, stressing that everything is expected, and that Sayyed Al-Houthi’s words were clear when he said that what is coming is greater.


“The entity must realize that Yemen is serious about supporting Palestine and responding to aggression against it… and we promise more”, he added.

According to him, “today, we live in a state of freedom, dignity, and pride, and we are the loudest voice confronting imperialism.

“We are coordinating with the Axis of Resistance and are fighting the battle within a framework of continuous cooperation and coordination.

“The missile launch came hours after Netanyahu’s statements about escalation with Lebanon. Yemen does not accept the fragmentation of the battle”, he said.

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