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Stanbic IBTC transforms education landscape with its Adopt-A-School initiative in Lisabi Grammar School, Abeokuta

Lisabi Grammar School
Dr. Demola Sogunle, Chief Executive of Stanbic IBTC(middle), Professor Abayomi Arigbabu, Ogun State's Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, (right)Principal, staff and students of Lisabi Grammar School Abeokuta



We deliberately chose Lisabi Grammar School for adoption, committing to ongoing refurbishment, revamping, repair, and maintenance of infrastructure over the coming years


Admin I Friday, September 27, 2024


ABEOKUTA, Ogun, Nigeria – Stanbic IBTC Holdings Plc has completed a major renovation of Lisabi Grammar School in Abeokuta, Ogun State, as part of its Adopt-A-School initiative. This marks the sixth school to benefit from the company’s commitment to educational development in Nigeria.

The historic Lisabi Grammar School, founded in 1943, has undergone extensive upgrades, including the provision of new computer systems, renovation of science laboratories, and construction of a new vocational center that houses ICT, Technical Drawing, Art, Cook and Bake, and Sewing Rooms. These improvements will benefit over 3,400 students and 100 staff members.


Dr. Demola Sogunle, Chief Executive of Stanbic IBTC, emphasized the long-term nature of the program. “Our Adopt-A-School program is a marathon, not a sprint,” he stated. “We deliberately chose Lisabi Grammar School for adoption, committing to ongoing refurbishment, revamping, repair, and maintenance of infrastructure over the coming years.”

The renovation project aims to create a more conducive learning environment for students and improve working conditions for staff. Dr. Demola also highlighted the initiative’s focus on human capital development. “Over the next five to seven years, teachers and staff members will be exposed to the latest training techniques, ensuring they are fully empowered to guide the next generation,” he explained.

Professor Abayomi Arigbabu, Ogun State’s Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology thanked Stanbic IBTC for its contribution to education in the state. He encouraged students and teachers of Lisabi Grammar School to make full use of the new facilities.

Stanbic IBTC’s Adopt-A-School initiative has already made significant impact across Nigeria. Prior to Lisabi Grammar School, Stanbic IBTC had adopted schools in Akwa Ibom, Ekiti, Sokoto, Borno, and Gombe states; demonstrating a commitment to diverse geographic representation in their educational support.

The Adopt-A-School initiative is part of Stanbic IBTC’s commitment to corporate social responsibility. By investing in education, the company aims to improve the quality of life for communities across Nigeria.


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